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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

The Blog Is Dead; Long Live the Blog

Ever since the very beginning, Honeycomb has poured a lot of heart and soul into our blog. We take pride in knowing it isn’t just your typical stream of feature updates and marketing promotions, but rather real, meaty pieces of technical depth, practical how-to guides, highly detailed retrospectives, and techno-philosophical pieces. One of my favorite things is when people who aren’t customers tell me how much they love our blog.

Leverage Correlation Analysis to Address the Challenges of Digital Payments

In the first four parts of our series on correlation analysis, we discussed the importance of this capability in root cause analysis in a number of business use cases, and then specifically in the context of promotional marketing, telco and algorithmic trading. In this blog we walk through how to leverage correlation analysis to address the challenges in ensuring a seamless online payment experience by the end-user.

Deploy the RESTMon Microservice in Minutes

Within any enterprise, IT operations teams use a variety of solutions to monitor their technology ecosystem. These products are often business critical and cannot easily be replaced or migrated. Ultimately, it’s important that teams can analyze and correlate data from these different tools so they can produce the insights they need to improve decision making. To help address these requirements, Broadcom offers RESTMon.

Empowering Digital Employee Experience with Browser-based Real User Monitoring

Service Watch Browser provides Real User Monitoring (RUM) for SaaS and web applications you don't control. The browser-based plugin can be securely installed as an Internet Explorer or Chrome extension to get the end-user perspective of mission-critical apps such as Microsoft 365, Salesforce, Workday, AWS, etc. Service Watch Browser enables IT admins or app owners to proactively detect and troubleshoot Wi-Fi, ISP, and local network connectivity issues causing the slowness.

Latest top 21 APM tools [open-source included]

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools are a critical component of distributed applications now. But choosing the right APM tool can be tricky. In this article, we go through a list of the top 21 APM tools including open-source APM tools which can help monitor and improve your application performance.

9 Stackify Competitors to Know in 2021

Stackify is a software company based in Leawood, Kansas, United States. Matt Watson, an American entrepreneur, founded it in January 2012. With a suite of tools like Prefix and Retrace, Stackify aids software developers in troubleshooting and provides support. According to Stackify, standard APM software is insufficient for managing application code.

Dashboard Fridays: Sample VMware Status Dashboard

Join SquaredUp's Adam Kinniburgh and fellow virtualisation expert Shawn Williams as they showcase the VMware Status Dashboard. Built in SquaredUp with the easy-to-use PowerShell tile, this dashboard surfaces data from vCenter for Hosts and VM to provide a Virtualization Administrator the information they need at a glance. Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and Shawn's top tips for building it yourself.