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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

How to choose the best IT infrastructure monitoring tool for your business

Business growth can be measured by the performance of IT infrastructure, which is an integral part of any organization. According to research done by Riverbed, 73% of C-suites say that granular visibility into the network and other components opens the door for business innovation. Simply put, fostering the growth of business health lies in enhanced visibility and well-organized management of IT infrastructure.

Filter dashboards faster with template variable available values

Datadog’s template variables help you quickly scope your dashboards to specific contexts using tags, so you can visualize data from only the hosts, containers, services, or any other tagged objects you care about. This helps you build more flexible dashboards so you can access the insights you’re looking for as quickly as possible. We’re proud to announce new features for the template variable workflow that enable you to make highly dynamic, shareable dashboards more efficiently.

You can now customise how we handle redirects

A good deal of sites redirect visitors to a specific more relevant page. Think, for instance, of a site that redirects you from / to a page in a relevant language, for instance /en or /nl. A single redirect is often not a problem, but having multiple redirects in a chain can hinder your site's user experience. Modern browsers also limit the number of redirects.

Comparing Rails Application Performance Monitoring Tools

Monitoring an application’s performance is the basics of building a successful software product. With the popularity that Rails has always been riding on in the start-up world, it makes all the more sense to look for tools that help you keep your Ruby on Rails application in shape. In this guide, we will look at some of the top APM tools for Rails applications and compare them along some standard benchmarks to help you get an insight into which tool fits your use case the best.

Trigger a Kubernetes HPA with Sysdig metrics

In this article, you’ll learn, through an example, how to configure Keda to deploy a Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) that uses Sysdig Monitor metrics. Keda is an open source project that allows using Prometheus queries to scale Kubernetes pods. In Trigger a Kubernetes HPA with Prometheus metrics, you learned how to install and configure Keda to create a Kubernetes HPA triggered by a standard Prometheus query.

Trigger a Kubernetes HPA with Prometheus metrics

In this article, you’ll learn how to configure Keda to deploy a Kubernetes HPA that uses Prometheus metrics. The Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler can scale pods based on the usage of resources, such as CPU and memory. This is useful in many scenarios, but there are other use cases where more advanced metrics are needed – like the waiting connections in a web server or the latency in an API.

What's New With Pingdom?

SolarWinds Pingdom is focused on making web application monitoring simple and easy to use, yet still powerful and affordable. In the past six months, we’ve made several updates we’re excited to share with you. These new features come at no additional cost and all customers regardless of tier level have access to them. The updates were launched with two main benefits in mind: ease of use and quick set up. We’ll walk through our latest updates from 2020 including.