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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Node.js Performance Monitoring

Software developers use the Node.js environment to develop robust and innovative applications. But the bigger the goal, the higher the risk. Learn about Node.js performance monitoring to ensure quality and risk-free software products. Part of diligent software development is making sure all system applications work well individually and as a whole.

Mean Time to Innocence: Avoiding the Blame Game with Desktop Virtualization

Mean time to innocence (MTTI) is a term used by IT teams to prove that their respective domain is not the source of a particular issue. In other words, it’s a fancy term to avoid blame when something goes wrong. Each team has its own domain-specific tools to prove the issue is not their fault. With respect to desktop virtualization, here are just some of the domains that are relevant when diagnosing issues.

Green IT and DEX: Impactful Change Through Employee Experience.

The fast-paced adoption of digital workplace technologies provides fantastic opportunities to improve digital employee experience (DEX). But it comes at a cost. Digital technology has a serious—and increasing—impact on our environment, with a carbon footprint of about 4% of global carbon emission (that’s more than the aviation industry’s 2.5% contribution).

Flux Aggregation in InfluxDB: Now or Later

Aggregations are a powerful tool when processing large amounts of time series data. In fact, most of the time you’re going to care more about the min, max, mean, count or last values of your dataset than you will about the raw values you’re collecting. Knowing this, InfluxDB and the Flux language make it as easy as possible to run these aggregations, whenever and wherever you need to, and sometimes that leads people to running them in ways that aren’t as efficient as they could be.

Best practices for getting started with Datadog Network Performance Monitoring

Whether running on a fully cloud-hosted environment, on-premise servers, or a hybrid solution, modern services and applications are heavily reliant on network and DNS performance. This makes comprehensive visibility into your network a key part of monitoring application health and performance. But as your applications grow in scale and complexity, gaining this visibility is challenging.

Jaeger vs New Relic - Key differences, use-cases and alternatives

Jaeger and New Relic are tools used in the application monitoring and observability domain. While Jaeger is an open source tool under Cloud Native Computing Foundation, New Relic is a SaaS vendor in the observability domain. Let us explore the key differences between Jaeger and New Relic in this article. New Relic is an extensive SaaS tool and provides application performance as well as infrastructure monitoring. Jaeger provides an open-source solution for end-to-end distributed tracing.

A Comparison of 6 Airbrake Alternatives for Error Monitoring

We all need an application that can run smoothly, but this is not what we always get. After creating an application and putting it to use, you need to check and know when it faces exceptions/errors. As a result, this explains why the current market features several error tracking tools. Airbrake falls under the top-notch error monitoring tools used for log analysis and log management. However, it’s not without its problems.