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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Is Distributed Tracing Really a Big Deal ?

Microservice architectures are everywhere these days. Even internal enterprise applications—which have typically been structured as self-contained monoliths—are now being designed using a microservices architecture. There are definite advantages to a microservices architecture. Breaking an application into discrete, independent chunks—basically mini apps—gives you enormous flexibility. But this flexibility dramatically increases complexity, especially when things go wrong.

Easily Debug Your AWS Lambda Functions With Honeycomb

With the Honeycomb extension for AWS Lambda, you no longer need to make your Lambda functions Honeycomb-aware. Today, AWS announced the general availability of AWS Lambda Extensions, which make it easy for us to send logs from your Lambda functions directly to Honeycomb. In October, we announced Honeycomb’s extension for AWS Lambda as part of a preview launch. Today, we’re pleased to announce everyone can now use this extension to easily debug their AWS Lambda functions with Honeycomb.

What Does Digital Ops Mean? A Discussion With The Experts.

OpsRamp recently conducted a survey on the State of Digital Operations Management in 2021 to understand IT investments in 2021, factors hindering organizational innovation and the steps IT leaders are taking to unleash creativity and growth across the organization. We discussed the survey on a webinar featuring OpsRamp Chief Revenue Officer Sheen Khoury and Isaac Sacolick, president of digital transformation consultancy StarCIO. Here are the key highlights of the conversation.

Advanced Link Analysis, Part 3 - Visualizing Trillion Events, One Insight at a Time

This is Part 3 of the Advanced Link Analysis series, which showcases the interactive visualization of advanced link analysis with Splunk partner, SigBay. The biggest challenge for any data analytics solution is how it can handle huge amounts of data for demanding business users. This also puts pressure on data visualization tools. This is because a data visualization tool is expected to represent reasonably large amounts of data in an intelligent, understandable and interactive manner.

Why Midsized SecOps Teams Should Consider Security Log Analytics Instead of Security and Information Event Management

If Ben Franklin lived today, he would add cyber threats to his shortlist of life’s certainties. For decades, bad guys have inflicted malware, theft, espionage, and other forms of digital pain on citizens of the modern world. They seek money, celebrity, and political secrets, and often get them. In 2020, hackers halted trading on the New Zealand stock exchange with a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.

How to Monitor CPU Memory and Disk Usage in Java

In this post, we will discuss some of the primary commands, tools, and techniques that could help to monitor CPU Memory and Disk Usage in Java. The Java tools observe Java bytecode constructs and processes. Java Profilers follow all system commands and processor usage. This lets you look at call arrangement at whatever point you prefer.

How to Consolidate OSS Data into a Cloud Account

In this post, we will describe a simple way to share data from multiple InfluxDB 2.0 OSS instances with a central cloud account. This is something that community members have asked for when they have OSS running at different locations, but then they want to be able to visualize some of the data or even alert on the data in a central place. Please note that while the method presented here is simple and fast to set up, it has many limitations which may make it inappropriate for your product use case.

Introducing the New Rollbar Integration for GitHub Enterprise Server

We’re excited to launch our new integration with GitHub that supports GitHub Enterprise Server customers. This allows companies using GitHub Enterprise on their own domains to access key features in Rollbar that help developers fix errors faster. GitHub Enterprise offers a fully integrated development platform for organizations to accelerate software innovation and secure delivery. With Rollbar, GitHub Enterprise Server customers can now access.

Use the improved infrastructure list to track your hosts' health

Datadog’s infrastructure list provides a central, high-level view of every host in your environment and pulls together metadata and relevant metrics from across Datadog to help you get the full picture of each one. You can easily filter and sort the list using any host tags, letting you quickly view the status of the parts of your infrastructure you need.