Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Is SquaredUp Dashboard Server the effortless alternative to Grafana?

Grafana is free and powerful - a mainstay in DevOps and IT dashboarding. It’s an open-source visualization platform that lets you visualize data in real-time from a variety of data sources. SquaredUp Dashboard Server is, at first glance, quite similar! You can dashboard just about any data to get real-time visualizations. All for free.

Monitoring Cloud Environments at Scale with Prometheus and Thanos

In Mattermost, our monitoring solution is continuously evolving to meet our scaling infrastructure needs. Our previous architecture used Prometheus federation and was perfect for our small/medium infrastructure size, but was not able to scale in the way we needed. This post will explain how we used Thanos and the Prometheus operator to scale our monitoring infrastructure and meet our long-term storage needs.

End-User Monitoring: Best Practices and Tools

Poor application performance, besides being a sign of potential problems, is a strong predictor of unhappy users—and unhappy users are likely to become former customers. So software organizations are always searching for ways to improve the performance of their applications. One of the most effective of such ways to improve performance is obtaining visibility of your app’s behavior—which is something that can be achieved through monitoring.

Icinga Module for JIRA v1.1.0

If your team is using Atlassians Jira and Icinga and you didn’t know about our integration yet: Our module for Jira is now at version 1.1.0 with a bunch of bugfixes and new features that were requested on the GitHub repository. Our friends from the internezzo ag helped out by sponsoring the development as well – a big THANK YOU to them!

Do you already know what Active Directory is and how to use it with Pandora FMS?

As you may already know, in this blog, we’re so into answering the big questions. After answering in previous episodes what the meaning of our existence is or explaining everything you need to know about Office 365 Monitoring, in today’s episode we are going to discuss what Active Directory is. I hope you are very comfortable sitting in your respective gamer chairs or in your two-seater sofas, because here we go!

How to deploy and manage Elastic on Microsoft Azure

We recently announced that users can find, deploy, and manage Elasticsearch from within the Azure portal. This new integration provides a simplified onboarding experience, all with the Azure portal and tooling you already know, so you can easily deploy Elastic without having to sign up for an external service or configure billing information.

The What and The Why of TLS Inspection

Connecting to nearly any web page today, you’re more often to see a URL that begins with “https://” instead of “http://”. Wondered what the “S” is for? It stands for “secure”, but more importantly, it identifies that the connection is taking place over a secure channel using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. But what is TLS, and beyond that, what’s a TLS inspection?

3 Steps to Optimize Collaboration Solutions and Drive Adoption Today

It’s hard to imagine our work lives without collaboration tools. Whether you attend Zoom meetings or brainstorm projects (and send the occasional humorous GIF) on Slack, these solutions have become foundational elements of the workplace – even moreso in recent times, when most workplaces became more digital than ever before.