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The Complete Guide to Microservices

Microservices, also known as microservices architecture, refers to a method of designing and developing software systems. Microservice architecture is becoming increasingly popular as developers create larger and more advanced apps. The goal is to help enterprises become more Agile, especially as they adopt a culture of continuous testing. Here are the basic features of microservices.

How to - Benchmark CDNs with Catchpoint

In this How-To video, we’ll look at how Catchpoint can help you evaluate which Content Delivery Network you should be using. CDNs, as they’re called, are not one size fits all, especially when it comes to location. Many companies simply select one CDN and run with it, even though their provider might not perform very well in all places.

Data Center Monitoring for Peak Performance: Challenges and Solutions

When it comes to data centers, what is ‘peak performance’? Is it a case of using a data center monitoring system so that it works to full capacity? Or, is it more a case of maximizing its potential? Data centers are complex but integral, which is why, for the average business, achieving the best results can be difficult. Challenges for data center operations will differ from firm to firm.

Machine Learning Applications for Data Center Management

The data center is a remarkably complex structure. However, they are crucial to the everyday running of even the smallest businesses and enterprises. Whether in-house, cloud, or hybrid, the average data center management requires specialist knowledge and meticulous oversight for max efficiency. That is one reason, at least, why machine learning is emerging as an ideal partner for centers of the future.

Why Cisco embraces Elastic for IT infrastructure transparency

This post is a recap of a presentation given at ElasticON 2020. Interested in seeing more talks like this? Check out the conference archive. Network infrastructure is the engine that drives a company’s business. As companies scale, assets that compose this infrastructure become more complex to manage. That means there’s more hardware, more software, and more subscriptions and services that require tracking.

3 ways of recycling third-party code for AWS Lambda

In this article, I’m trying to shine some light on the AWS Lambda Layers, Lambda Extensions, and Docker image for Lambda, in order to add third-party code to Lambda. When and how to use which method, and when to mix and match? Due to the circumstances in 2020, many software releases were postponed, and so the industry slowed its development speed quite a bit. But at least at AWS, some teams got updates out of the door at the end of the year. AWS Lambda got two significant improvements.