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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Monitoring the Mattermost server with Prometheus and Grafana

Lately we’ve been working on improving different parts of the Mattermost server, including our monitoring and observability capabilities. We’ve been using Prometheus and Grafana to monitor our cluster for a while now, and you can read this great post where my colleague Stylianos explains how we have them working for our multi-cluster environment.

Production Process Optimization with the inray OPCUA Router and InfluxDB

In a factory environment, collecting data to gain useful insights from various sources is challenging because it requires connecting to many different types of automation systems, plcs and devices that often speak different languages. This is the problem that German industrial software company, inray (specialized in data communication between software systems and components in Industry 4.0, IoT and IIoT) set out to solve for its customers.

Best Practices for Monitoring Azure Services

Monitoring your Azure cloud computing environment requires an understanding of each component of your Azure infrastructure and how they all interact. Cloud computing with Azure offers each of the three main advantages of cloud service providers: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). Combined, these three services provide a comprehensive cloud-based computing setup for any business.

3 Best Practices for Testing Your Website's Performance in 2020

For a website to succeed in 2020, it’s not enough for your content to be engaging. As we all spend more time online, we want websites to be fast and the experience to be seamless. Those that don’t will lose out on customers even if their content is top-notch. Cutting down on your website’s loading time is one of the best ways to improve the overall user experience (UX).

Be a Better Java Developer With AppOptics Dev Edition

Monitoring your Java applications is an essential part of ensuring high availability and good performance. And yet, many Java developers hold off on practicing application performance management (APM) until they’ve already deployed their application to a test environment, or even to production. Perhaps they don’t have access to an APM solution with the right insights, or maybe they don’t have the time or resources to deploy to a temporary environment and wait for metrics to come in.

SAML 2.0 and a UTC toggle make Papertrail even easier to use

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ now supports SAML v2.0, which makes Papertrail even faster and easier to access. Using SAML authentication you can log into your Active Directory domain or intranet and have immediate access to Papertrail, with no additional login required. The new SAML support also enables you to enforce user identity verification policies. If you are interested in enabling SAML authentication, select Settings and scroll down to the new security area.

Digitization through Open Source Solutions during COVID-19

The world has been on a tough break these past few months. With countries talking about defeating the COVID-19 Pandemic, but contemplating infection fears again, we are experiencing a new normal that has all of us second guessing what we know about life as-of-now. This ambiguity is most visible, when we are discussing business.

Internal Applications: Monitoring from Behind Your Firewall

As companies decide whether or not to move ahead with an “everything in the cloud” strategy for providing consumer-facing applications, enterprise applications are also getting a new shape with web-based applications to support internal business operations. These applications live inside the private network of the organization and often have role-based access.

Using Log Data to Prevent Lambda Cold Starts

AWS Lambda enables you to run serverless functions in the AWS cloud, by manually triggering functions or by creating trigger events. To ensure your Lambda functions are running smoothly, you can monitor metrics that measure performance, invocations, and concurrencies. However, even if you continuously monitor, once in a while you are going to run into what’s termed a Lamba cold start. There are various ways to prevent AWS Lambda cold starts.

Observability at The Edge with Fastly and Datadog

You use CDNs because they allow you to serve content as quickly and reliably as possible. But how well are your systems performing? How securely are you moving data—and how do you know which parts of your environment are slowing you down? Learn how to improve end user experiences, accelerate development, and take full advantage of edge computing in this joint webinar.