The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
As companies move towards a flexible, remote work environment, the demand for VPN services has increased considerably. This need to ramp up VPN infrastructures in such a short time comes with its fair share of operational problems and security concerns. Over purchasing VPN capacity would put a dent in the IT budget while under purchasing would result in loss of productivity.
To our SCOM Community – thank you for making the first worldwide virtual SCOM event such a huge success! As co-hosts of SCOMathon 2020 that took place last week, we are happy to have provided a platform for the SCOM community to get together, learn and connect.
If you are anything like us here at Sematext, you are likely always trying to automate any tedious, repetitive tasks. Repetitio est mater… boringdorum. Setting up monitoring falls in that category. You either do it manually every time you provision a new piece of infrastructure or service, or you automate it. Note that by “service” I mean either an instance of your own application or something like Nginx or Elasticsearch or MySQL or …
You have management software that you’ve used for your Linux or Windows servers. Can’t you just deploy a Linux agent and monitor a VMware vSphere/ESX server, or a Windows agent to monitor a Microsoft Hyper-V server? This is a very common question that comes up in any discussion on VMware monitoring and virtualization management. After all, when a VMware ESX server boots, the administrator gets to a Linux login prompt and can login to a Linux operating system.