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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Employee Experience Monitoring Demo

With so many businesses now reliant on software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, monitoring the availability, performance, and reachability of those applications is critical to protecting your employees' productivity, and by extension, your revenue streams. This video explains how Catchpoint's Employee Experience monitoring solution is designed to help companies understand how their network, application, and end users' devices impact the entire employee digital experience. Get the visibility and insight required to be more proactive, reduce costs, and boost productivity.

How To Keep Traffic Spikes from Crashing Your Website

At first glance — and probably second and third as well — having too much traffic seems like a really nice problem to have; like when billionaires struggle to decide which yacht to buy (“I say Thurston, the one with the tennis courts is quite lovely, but the one with the outdoor cinema is so charming”). However, too much traffic really is a problem, because it causes websites to either dramatically s-l-o-w down (which is terrible) or crash (which is worse than terrible).

The 7-Step plan for successful AIOps implementations

The idea of applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to more rapidly and accurately resolve IT incidents and manage alerts has been gaining steam in the past year. While AIOps, as it’s frequently called, has spawned an entirely new market of startups, many enterprise IT leaders are playing a cautious hand so far – and for good reason. There are risks, though. If an AIOps tool goes wrong out of the gates, IT and executive trust diminishes.

Alert Integrations: Right Person, Right Message, Right Time

DEJ's The Roadmap to Becoming a Top Performing Organization in Managing IT Operations report found that 40% of IT teams use more than 10 monitoring tools to ensure the right levels of operational visibility and control. Given the diversity of tools used by enterprises, the only way to ensure collaborative unified incident management is to use a modern AIOps platform with native infrastructure discovery and monitoring instrumentation.

3 Marketing Activities to Keep Your MSP Healthy During COVID-19

If you sit back and look at what you’ve actually achieved over the last couple of weeks, you should feel very proud of yourself and your team. With virtually no warning, you’ve supported your clients well through the greatest business upheaval in modern times. You’ve probably set up countless VPNs. And no doubt you’ve been hunting around for new laptops, just like everyone else. While the COVID-19 situation is changing daily, the dust is starting to settle a little.