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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

How Do You Know if You Have a Slow Website?

With a shift toward the Internet of Things, where always-on connectivity is paramount, digital experience monitoring (DEM) is a transformational way of looking at application and end-user monitoring. DEM asks more than whether you have a slow website, it looks at how every step in the user’s experience performs at a granular level. This discipline measures the website’s response to the user’s needs.

Office 365: Measuring employee experience during migration from on-premise to cloud | Product Demo

In this short product demo, watch how Nexthink provides IT with actionable insight and metrics over employees' actual experiences during migration effort of Office 365 services - such as SharePoint and Exchange - from on-premise to cloud.

Measuring Customer Experience Across Multiple Channels

In the second part of this 451 Research video series, Sheryl Kingstone, Research VP and General Manager of Customer Experience and Commerce at 451 Research, explains why it is essential to understand the customer experience across multiple digital channels and how collecting the right data can be used to help improve the overall experience.