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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

WebLogic Managed Servers Health States Automation with WL-OPC

WL-OPC (WLSDM OPERATION CENTER) is the operation central and notification system which enables to manage application server infrastructure. You are going to able to manage, organize and visualize with WL-OPC; How to Create a Notification Actions ? WLSDM notifications can be managed from WL-OPC. Application, Datasource, JMS, Server and Domain’s health notifications can trigger the custom scripts. In this article about to restarting the server when the servers states are shutdown.

AWS Step Functions - A User's Guide

Many articles have been written about AWS Step Functions since it was first introduced in 2016. Most of them create the impression that the service is simply an extension of the Lambda function that allows us to stitch together multiple Lambda functions to call each other. But actually, it is much more than that. Step Functions allows us to design and build the flow of execution of modules in our application in a simplified manner.

Serverless Microservice Patterns Used In AWS

With serverless computing, our daily tasks and routines are much more comfortable than they used to be before. Serverless allows us to put our focus on the code itself without the need to worry about the configuration of the underlying compute resources or maintenance. Numerous cloud providers (AWS included) gives us a variety of previously managed services which we can combine and create a massively scalable and incredibly robust serverless microservices.

How to Monitor NGINX Logs with Sumo Logic

If you’re just joining us, I highly advise you to go back and check out our first two parts of this three part series regarding NGINX and Sumo Logic where we go over a basic Introduction to NGNIX and also Touch Up On NGINX, Logs, and Why Logs Are Important. If you’ve been following along, then great, let’s jump right into it.

Monitor your customer data infrastructure with Segment and Datadog

This is a guest post by Noah Zoschke, Engineering Manager at Segment. Segment is the customer data infrastructure that makes it easy for companies to clean, collect, and control their first-party customer data. At Segment, our ultimate goal is to collect data from Sources (e.g., a website or mobile app) and route it to one or more Destinations (e.g., Google Analytics and AWS Redshift) as quickly and reliably as possible.

Monitor Apache Hive with Datadog

Apache Hive is an open source interface that allows users to query and analyze distributed datasets using SQL commands. Hive compiles SQL commands into an execution plan, which it then runs against your Hadoop deployment. You can customize Hive by using a number of pluggable components (e.g., HDFS and HBase for storage, Spark and MapReduce for execution). With our new integration, you can monitor Hive metrics and logs in context with the rest of your big data infrastructure.

Monitor TLS/SSL: Certificates, Ciphers, Expiration and Spoofing

Exoprise recently released two new CloudReady sensors for monitoring Transport Layer Security (TLS), aka Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), connections end-to-end. TLS/SSL is the foundation for just about every web request and transaction across the Internet today. Arguably, SSL is as important as TCP/IP itself to the formation of our modern-day Internet, SaaS and Cloud world.

Auvik TrafficInsights: The what, who, and where of network traffic

As an MSP, you put a lot of time and effort into earning your clients’ trust. But that trust can be broken with just three short words…“I don’t know.” With Auvik TrafficInsights™, you won’t have to worry. It’s the visibility you need to troubleshoot network issues—fast.