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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

How One MSP Fuelled Their Business With Firewall as a Service

“Oh, they’ll never pay for that.” It’s a phrase Leigh Wood, the Director of Node IT Solutions, hears a lot from his fellow MSPs. It’s easy to understand why. When you’re used to hearing price push-back on every contract, selling something beyond your basic managed services agreement seems impossible.

How to Achieve Visibility, Lower Costs, and Ease Troubleshooting Through Web APM Monitoring

When your customers depend on your data 24/7, you must know what your applications are doing at any given time and be able to troubleshoot quickly. That’s why Traxo implemented the SolarWinds® web application performance monitoring (APM) portfolio. Traxo provides itinerary intelligence and travel data aggregation technology solutions to companies across the travel ecosystem.

Jaeger and OpenTelemetry

Recently, OpenTelemetry has been announced as a new CNCF sandbox project resulting from a merger of OpenTracing and OpenCensus [1], [2], [3], [4]. Several people have already asked me what OpenTelemetry means for the Jaeger project (incubating at CNCF), and whether it is going to replace Jaeger. I will attempt to answer these questions in this post.

Top 10 Tools to Transfer Really Large Files

In today’s time of high-speed Internet, one would think it would be very easy to transfer files, both small and large via emails. The reality, however, is quite different as transferring large files with the help of e-mails remains a big problem. This is where the role of tools, which help with the transfer of large files, becomes important.

Grafana Labs at KubeCon: What is the Future of Observability?

The three pillars of observability – monitoring, logging and tracing – are so 2018. At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU last week, Grafana Labs VP Product Tom Wilkie and Red Hat Software Engineer Frederic Branczyk, gave a keynote presentation about the future of observability and how this trifecta will evolve in 2019 and the years to come.

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Questions to ask your APM provider before you buy

APM is something that some organizations either don't fully understand or don't put much thought into until it's too late. When there's a problem with an application, the organization scrambles to find a tool that can help solve the problem at hand. They contact the sales teams of various APM vendors to see which ones can help them.

Building Docker Containers for our Rails Apps

In a recent post, we talked about Docker containers, and what you should know about them. Hopefully we cleared up any confusion you might have had about the Docker ecosystem. Perhaps with all that talk, it got you thinking about trying it out on one of your own applications? Well in this post we’d like to show you how easy it is to take your existing Ruby on Rails applications and run them inside a container.