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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Stackdriver usage and costs: a guide to understand and optimize spending

Google Stackdriver is a cloud-based managed services platform designed to give you visibility into app and infrastructure services. Stackdriver’s monitoring, logging and APM tools make it easy to navigate between data sources to view performance details and find the root causes of any issues.

Nexthink - Quality of Service

Win the favor of your employees by helping them win back the 22 minutes a day they lose on IT issues. Nexthink helps proactively prevent the creation of incidents and reduces the MTTR for open incidents while providing deep insight into the end-user experience. With Nexthink, reduce support costs and end-user disruption, increase end-user productivity, and optimize IT investments.

Performance monitoring with OpenTracing, OpenCensus, and OpenMetrics

If you are familiar with instrumenting applications, you may have heard of OpenMetrics, OpenTracing, and OpenCensus. These projects aim to create standards for application performance monitoring and collecting metric data. Although the projects do overlap in terms of their goals, they each take a different approach to observability and instrumentation.

Avoiding Junk-Drawer Classes in Ruby

Because Ruby is an object-oriented language, we tend to model the world as a set of objects. We say that two integers (x and y) are a Point, and a Line has two of them. While this approach is often useful, it has one big problem. It privileges one interpretation of the data over all others. It assumes that x, and y will always be a Point and that you'll never need them to act as a Cell or Vector. What happens when you do need a Cell? Well, Point owns the data. So you add a your cell methods to Point.

6 Powerful PHP Frameworks To Work With In 2019

Creating a website from scratch requires a lot of work, which is often tedious. In several cases, you will need to recreate the functionalities that you have built thousands of times. This recreation of functions is equal to reinventing the wheel. This is where software frameworks come handy, you can utilize such frameworks as the foundation for you application and build your program upon it.

5 Best Practices for Getting the Most out of RUM

More than likely you’re here because you’ve made the leap or are thinking of making the leap in investing in a Real Monitoring Solution. Congrats. You’re one step closer to having the power of user metrics working in your favor. Real User Monitoring is a way for your users to communicate with you how satisfied they were when they interacted with your website or webapp, so how can you be sure you’re listening correctly?