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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

Take the first step toward SRE with Cloud Operations Sandbox

At Google Cloud, we strive to bring Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) culture to our customers not only through training on organizational best practices, but also with the tools you need to run successful cloud services. Part and parcel of that is comprehensive observability tooling—logging, monitoring, tracing, profiling and debugging—which can help you troubleshoot production issues faster, increase release velocity and improve service reliability.

Level Up 2020 Highlights

Hear from LogicMonitor leadership on some of the biggest announcements and additions to the LM product suite in 2020. We release an array of features that allow IT and Dev Ops teams to have full visibility into every corner their infrastructure, and with the addition of LM Logs we're on a mission to provide an extensible, fully unified observability platform.

How Prometheus monitoring mixins can make effective observability strategies accessible to all

Three years ago, Tom Wilkie and Frederic Branczyk sketched out the idea for Prometheus monitoring mixins. This is a jsonnet-based package format for grouping and distributing logically related Grafana dashboards with Prometheus alerts and rules. The premise was that the observability world needed a way for system authors to not only emit metrics, but also provide guidance on how to use those metrics to monitor their systems properly.

Building w/ Observability- Honeycomb & CircleCI

Do you know exactly what your builds are doing at every step of the way to prod and after they’ve been deployed? A key part of what lets you ship code to production often and quickly is having observability in your builds. Together, CircleCI and Honeycomb can help you get both speed and quality when shipping code to production. In this webinar, we’ll not only examine how CircleCI and Honeycomb work well together, we’ll also look at how Honeycomb used both products together to identify changes that impacted their build times and reduced them by 25%.

5 Tips for Observability Success

In 2020, the concept of observability in IT operations gained mindshare as IT leaders looked for new ways to rein in the complexity that’s grown organically with cloud computing and rapid digitization. Observability differs from IT monitoring in that it focuses on the development of the application and rich instrumentation so that operators can ask meaningful questions about how the software works or is working in production.

Learn How to Get Observability into Your Applications with New KubeAcademy Course

When developing applications for Kubernetes, which is a distributed system, developers and platform engineers need to know both how to monitor them and understand how they impact their business. There are several tools available to instrument Kubernetes clusters and code, but figuring out which options are the right ones can be challenging. That’s why we created the Introduction to Observability course on KubeAcademy.

Force Multiply Your Observability Stack with a Platform Thinking Strategy

Platform thinking is a term that has spread throughout the business and technology ecosystem. But what is platform thinking, and how can a platform strategy force multiply the observability capabilities of your team? Platform thinking is an evolution from the traditional pipeline model. In this model, we have the provider/producer at one end and the consumer at the other, with value traveling in one direction.

Innovation Insight for Observability by Gartner

In its latest report, research firm Gartner tackles the trending subject of Observability. According to Gartner, "Observability is the evolution of monitoring into a process that offers insight into digital business applications, speeds innovation and enhances customer experience. I&O leaders should use observability to extend current monitoring capabilities, processes, and culture to deliver these benefits." This blog post gives you a sneak-peek of this new analyst report about observability.

2020: The Year Bee-hind Us

Hey, observability friends. I’m Shelby. I joined Honeycomb back in March. This year I’m carrying the torch of our annual tradition, looking back at the Year Bee-hind Us. Cue up the Auld Lang Syne. This wasn’t easy to write. Everyone at Honeycomb has been affected by the events of this year: the pandemic plus lockdown, school closures, complete life upheaval. We’ve witnessed or directly experienced racist injustice, social unrest, and state violence.