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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

Monitoring as code: what it is and why you need it

“Everything as code” has become the status quo among leading organizations adopting DevOps and SRE practices, and yet, monitoring and observability have lagged behind the advancements made in application and infrastructure delivery. The term “monitoring as code” isn’t new by any means, but incorporating monitoring automation as part of an infrastructure as code (IaC) initiative is not the same as a complete end-to-end solution for monitoring as code.

Honeycomb Raises $20M to Define the Future of Observability

I’m delighted to announce that Honeycomb has raised $20M in Series B funding, led by e.ventures Growth, with participation from existing investors Scale Venture Partners, Storm Ventures, Next World Capital, and Merian Ventures, and joined by Industry Ventures. Honeycomb has led the conversation and momentum behind observability for years, and now we’re poised to scale the product, community, and practice even further.

Kubernetes Observability Challenges: The Need for an AI-Driven Solution

Kubernetes provides abstraction and simplicity with a declarative model to program complex deployments. However, this abstraction and simplicity create complexity when debugging microservices in this abstract layer. The following four vectors make it challenging to troubleshoot microservices.

Monitoring vs Observability: Can You Tell The Difference?

Monitoring vs observability – is there even a difference and is your monitoring system observable? Observability has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Modern DevOps paradigms encourage building robust applications by incorporating automation, Infrastructure as Code, and agile development. To assess the health and “robustness” of IT systems, engineering teams typically use logs, metrics, and traces, which are used by various developer tools to facilitate observability.

Discord Bot Part 2: More Observability

I’ve recently started working on a new project to build a Discord bot in Go, mostly as a way to learn more Go but also so I can use it to manage various things in Azure and potentially elsewhere. I figured it’d be useful to document some of this project to give some insights as to what I’ve done and why. Next up is the bot itself and how I integrated it into Honeycomb to get some visibility on how different commands are running.

Achieving the Observability Imperative Requires AI

The shift to Observability Over the last six months, unified monitoring, log management, and event management vendors have reoriented their technology portfolios (often without any change to the underlying functionality) towards Observability. In so doing, a fair amount of confusion has been generated in the market.

LeadDev Live 2021- Habits of highly-performing teams

There is a yawning gap opening up between the best and the rest — the elite top few percent of engineering teams are making incredible gains year over year in reliability and lack of technical drag forces, while the bottom 50% are losing ground. Take an engineer out of an elite-performing team and place them in the bottom 50%, and they become subpar too; take an engineer out of a mediocre team and embed them in an elite team, and they are pulling their weight within the year. I will share with you everything I know — everything that went into building a high-performing team at Honeycomb.