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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

From "Secondary Storage" To Just "Storage": A Tale of Lambdas, LZ4, and Garbage Collection

When we introduced Secondary Storage two years ago, it was a deliberate compromise between economy and performance. Compared to Honeycomb’s primary NVMe storage attached to dedicated servers, secondary storage let customers keep more data for less money. They could query over longer time ranges, but with a substantial performance penalty; queries which used secondary storage took many times longer to run than those which didn’t.

Unleashing a Better Open Source: Introducing Logz.io Cloud Observability Platform

Today, I am proud to announce the release of Logz.io Infrastructure Monitoring, a Grafana-based monitoring solution that enables engineers to speed up detection and reduce time to resolution. This new offering extends our Log Management and Cloud Security (Cloud SIEM) products, which together form Logz.io’s new Cloud Observability Platform.

Why I'm Grateful For Our Observability Community

It’s that season, when we take time to consider what we’re grateful for and extend thanks to those we value and the experiences we treasure. One special aspect of America’s Thanksgiving holiday is the inclusiveness of celebrating across all communities and simply sharing, taking time to enjoy the fruits of the land. Giving thanks in late November can bring some fulfillment, but it should also be a reminder that we need to practice gratitude more regularly.

OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, OpenCensus: An Introduction and Glossary

There’s been a fair bit of buzz lately about OpenTelemetry, which is the next major version of the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects. The leadership of those two projects have come together to create OpenTelemetry, which combines the best parts of OpenTracing and OpenCensus to create one open source project to help with your instrumentation needs.