The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.
As your infrastructure and applications scale, so does the volume of your observability data. Managing a growing suite of tooling while balancing the need to mitigate costs, avoid vendor lock-in, and maintain data quality across an organization is becoming increasingly complex. With a variety of installed agents, log forwarders, and storage tools, the mechanisms you use to collect, transform, and route data should be able to evolve and adjust to your growth and meet the unique needs of your team.
Tech debt is usually one of the most fraught topics on engineering teams. Engineers often feel they aren’t allowed enough time to address tech debt. Product partners wonder why engineers spend so much time working on it—or at least talking about it. “The business” always seems to insinuate that engineers should do less of it, instead focusing on shipping value to customers.
As today’s businesses increasingly rely on their digital services to drive revenue, the tolerance for software bugs, slow web experiences, crashed apps, and other digital service interruptions is next to zero. Developers and engineers bear the immense burden of quickly resolving production issues before they impact customer experience.
Most companies in today's business landscape that deal with large amounts of data want to integrate their applications so that they can pass data between them seamlessly and easily. Being able to ensure that you can see exactly what is happening at every stage of the process is key, and this is where approaching the process with observability in mind can make a real difference. Deciding at the outset that observability is something that you want to be baked into the process means that you can plan and execute with that in mind.
The OpenTelemetry Go project now supports automatic instrumentation via eBPF! This is a big milestone for the project and makes it significantly easier to generate data from your Go apps: The automatic instrumentation agent is still in s/alpha/beta today, but it’s ready for you to try on your applications! is excited to announce Easy Connect, which will enable our customers to go from zero to full observability in minutes. By automating service discovery and application instrumentation, Easy Connect provides nearly instant visibility into any component in your Kubernetes-based environment – from your infrastructure to your applications. Since applications have been monitored, collecting logs, metrics, and traces have often been siloed and complex.