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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

How to build a service mesh with Istio and Calico

Microservices are loosely coupled software that provides flexibility and scalability to a cloud environment. However, securing this open architecture from vulnerabilities and malicious actors can be challenging without a service mesh. This blog post will demonstrate how you can create an Istio and Calico integration to establish a service mesh that will manipulate HTTP traffic in the application layer.

The Critical Role of Intrusion Prevention Systems in Network Security

An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is a network security and threat prevention tool. Its goal is to create a proactive approach to cybersecurity, making it possible to identify potential threats and respond quickly. IPS can inspect network traffic, detect malware and prevent exploits. IPS is used to identify malicious activity, log detected threats, report detected threats, and take precautions to prevent threats from harming users.

How Important Is The Infrastructure For Online Trading Services?

In online trading, everything is done by computers and software. It's a huge financial system that heavily relies on well-established underlying technologies. These technologies include fast, secured and reliable internet connection in conjunction with fast hosting provided and reliable data centers. Well-written software, too, plays a big role in this regard.

Jason Chan on How Torq Overcomes Cybersecurity's Biggest Challenges

Jason Chan is one of the world’s foremost cybersecurity authorities and we’re extremely proud to have him as a member of the Torq Advisory Board. He’s a pivotal figure in driving adoption of security automation best practices at many companies, including Netflix, where he led the information security organization.

5 security hardening CFEngine policy examples

Throughout the security holiday calendar, we’ve looked at modules for enforcing security requirements. Writing the policy to achieve these security hardening goals is easy. By learning how, you can write policy (or modules) for any requirements, including those specific to your organization. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at five beginner-level examples to get you started, focusing on the most common resources to manage with CFEngine; files and packages.

Enterprise and Edge Scale Security with NeuVector Container Security 5.1

I’m excited to announce the general availability of the SUSE NeuVector container security platform version 5.1. With the 5.1 release, customers will benefit from more efficient and powerful vulnerability scanning and admission controls across multiple clusters through centralized enterprise scanning, auto-scaling scanners and support for the new Kubernetes (1.25+) pod security admission (PSA) standard. The release also supports the Cilium network plug-in.

Should Your Business Use A VPN?

How we do business is rapidly changing, and companies must adapt to new technologies to stay competitive. As employees increasingly work from home, data security becomes an even greater concern. Therefore, choosing the right Virtual Private Network (VPN) for your small business can greatly impact how secure your employees' data are online. In this blog post, you will learn about the benefit of using a VPN and why it may be worth investing in one for business.

Regulations vs DevSecOps Requiem - Diptesh Mishra - CTO - Shoal

Diptesh “Dips” Mishra, CTO for Shoal (a Standard Chartered Venture) will talk about the governance challenges that financial services organisations face when they look to adopt DevSecOps. Dips has worked for Nationwide, Lloyds Banking Group, and RBS and he’ll share key strategies behind successful implementations Filmed at Exploring DevOps, security, audit compliance and thriving in the digital age in Oslo Dec 8th at Rebel.