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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Updates, upgrades, and uptime

All software of any significant size has bugs, vulnerabilities, and other weaknesses. This includes the operating system (OS), libraries, command line tools, services and graphical applications. Across your infrastructure, you should have an overview of what operating systems and software you have installed. Additionally, automated ways of upgrading the OS, as well as packages are desirable.

Reasons to Use a Virtual Private Network

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is becoming increasingly popular in the modern age of digital connectivity and ever-advancing technology. A VPN is a secure network connection that allows users to access the internet without restrictions or censorship while keeping their data safe and secure. Here are some primary reasons you should consider using a VPN.

Top 6 Emerging Cybersecurity Challenges For 2023

Protecting sensitive data from malicious code and dangerous third parties is a critical task rather than something that should be taken for granted. With that in mind, it's an important - yet often overlooked - aspect of security that users stay informed about what's happening in this niche. After all, data security threats evolve at a staggering pace, and 2023's future cyber-attacks are bound to be as inventive as they've ever been.

Five Hidden Security Risks You May Find with Traditional Backup Mechanisms

It’s always been important for managed services providers (MSPs) to exercise backup best practices but this has become even more important with the pandemic having reset employees’ expectations around remote work. Up to 74% of professionals believe that remote work is here to stay according to Growmotely, while 16% of companies globally are already completely remote and 40% offer hybrid working.

Your Checklist for an Application Blocklist

With the advent of remote and hybrid work, the line that separates work from personal life is increasingly hazier. This thinking applies especially to our digital lives. When work still revolved around fixed hours on-site, admins could easily determine which applications to block. For example, a worker should not be able to access the Netflix application at the office during business hours.

When Stream Meets Lake: Cribl Integrates With New Amazon Security Lake to Help Customers Address Data Interoperability

We’re excited to announce that Cribl integrates with Amazon Security Lake. Amazon Security Lake allows customers to build a security data lake from integrated cloud and on-premises data sources as well as from their private applications using the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OSCF).

Flowmon Anomaly Detection & MISP

Back in 2021 we have introduced the integration between MISP, a community threat intelligence sharing platform and Flowmon ADS. The integration turns indicators of compromise shared through MISP to actionable intelligence. Flowmon ADS will automatically pick up on latest indicators of compromise using MISP API and leverage those indicators of compromise to detect adversary activities in the target network. The integration is available in Flowmon ADS 11.2 and newer versions.

4 Most Common Website Security Threats (2023) + Solutions

For infrastructure administrators tasked with ensuring the reliable operation of their applications, the thought of a lurking cyberattack can be one to lose sleep over. An attack on your system and the services you provide could render your applications unresponsive, resulting in a security breach, or loss of data.