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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Hardening Windows security: How to secure your organization - Part 1

The cybersecurity threat landscape is quickly changing. Administrators have become more cautious when it comes to security and governing access, end users have become tech-savvy and security-aware, and attackers have also raised their game. Living-off-the-land attacks, or LOTL, is one clear trend today, with attackers exploiting preinstalled features and default tools built into system.

Securing Tekton pipelines in OpenShift with Sysdig

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to create a reusable Sysdig Secure image scanning task, for Tekton pipelines and Openshift clusters, that can be deployed in many pipelines. As a DevOps engineer, you want to deliver applications fast but keeping compliance with security standards like CIS, PCI DSS or NIST 800-190, GDPR can be an arduous task. You might implement image scanning in your CI/CD pipelines to detect and resolve issues such as known vulnerabilities and incorrect configurations.

Keep your Network Secure and Running for Home Office Users

Just like many companies in these trying times, we too have asked many of our employees to work from home to protect their health. As a consequence, our network traffic characteristics have changed dramatically. In this webinar, we would like to share our experience with three of the most concerning issues we’ve come across to ensure a productive and safe workplace for home office employees. Pavel Minarik, Flowmon’s CTO will explain, and show live, how we secured sufficient VPN bandwidth, managed our uplink utilization and minimized risks introduced by personal assets.

Azure Database Security: 7 Best Practices You Need to Know

Azure is a cloud computing vendor, ranked among the top providers. Like all cloud vendors, Azure uses a shared responsibility model. This means that some of the responsibilities are taken care of by the cloud vendor, while the rest should be taken care of by the cloud user. In this article, you will learn about Azure SQL services, and the seven most important best practices needed to ensure the security of your cloud-based Azure SQL operations.

COVID-19 Guide for Security Professionals

What a world! In February, everyone was busy minding their own business, but since March, the entire globe suddenly focused on the same challenge. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken our businesses and private lives by storm. The outbreak surprised everyone - a surprise hardly any business was prepared for. It brought country-wide lockdowns for quarantine, office closures and enforced teleworking, which are now commonplace.

Top 5 security challenges with Zoom video conferencing

In times when a majority of employees are working from home due to the global coronavirus pandemic, enterprises are extensively relying on collaboration tools like Zoom to keep their employees productive and engaged. Only in March, the daily usage of Zoom Videos increased over 5 times. The platform made it easy for company employees and clients to hop on meetings whenever needed and for schools and students to continue education online.

CIS hardened Ubuntu: cyber attack and malware prevention for mission-critical systems

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) is a nonprofit organisation that uses a community-driven process to release benchmarks to safeguard enterprises against cyber attacks. It is one of the most recognised industry standards that provides comprehensive configuration checklists to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in a computing environment.

Identity Guard: Identity Theft Protection Tool

Identity theft is on the rise and it is not enough to simply stay on top of the latest trends in this arena to avoid falling victim to common cons; you need to be proactive to prevent sensitive information being stolen and used against you. This is where Identity Guard’s identity theft protection tool comes into play. It aims to deliver always-on protection from the biggest threats faced by innocent web users.