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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

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RDProtector: Automatically blocking malicious IPs from RDP with EventSentry

The recently discovered BlueKeep RDP vulnerability reminds us yet again (as if needed to be reminded) that monitoring RDP is not a luxury but an absolute necessity. Many organizations still expose RDP ports to the Internet, making it a prime target for attacks. But even when RDP is only available internally it can still pose a threat – especially for large networks.

Useful tools to manage your application's secrets

When you build and deploy an application, chances are that you need to store some form of secrets. These are typically things like credentials for 3rd party systems and database credentials. As an ASP.NET Core developer, Microsoft provides you with an easy way to store secrets like these in your development environment, namely the Secret Manager.

Kubernetes & Tigera: Network Policies, Security, and Auditing

Of course, Tigera’s ability to provide Kubernetes pod networking and facilitate service discovery is extremely valuable, but its real superpower is that both Tigera’s commercial offerings and open-source Tigera Calico can implement network security policies inside a Kubernetes cluster.

Meeting PCI DSS Network Security Requirements in Kubernetes Environments

Compliance standards such as PCI DSS have assumed that traditional characteristics and behaviors of the development and delivery model would continue to be constant going forward. With the Container/Kubernetes revolution, that set of assumptions is no longer entirely correct. Attend this webinar and learn about what’s changed, how those changes weaken your compliance and control environment, and what you can do to adjust to the new reality.

How To Extend Firewalls to Kubernetes to Stop Breaking Existing Security Architectures

Security teams use firewalls to secure their production environments, often using a zone-based architecture, and Kubernetes does not deploy well to that architecture. Application teams are launching new business-critical applications on Kubernetes and are aggressively moving to production. A clash is bound to happen.

Integrating Gitlab CI/CD with Sysdig Secure

In this blog post we are going to cover how to perform Docker image scanning on the Gitlab CI/CD platform using Sysdig Secure. Container images that don’t meet the security policies that you define within Sysdig Secure will be stopped, breaking the build pipeline before being pushed to your production Docker registry.

Five Tools for User Activity Monitoring

As discussed in our blog post [What is User Activity Monitoring?], user activity monitoring (UAM) is a form of surveillance that provides visibility and insight into employee productivity and engagement while also revealing insider security threats. While UAM on company-owned or company-sanctioned devices and networks is legal, ethical and HR considerations require that UAM be implemented with a high level of professionalism and sensitivity.

Why you need to secure your AWS infrastructure and workloads?

Enterprises are increasingly adopting a cloud-first approach and migrating their workloads, data and applications to the Cloud. Amazon Web Services continues to lead the Public Cloud industry with more than 30% of the market. As digital transformation progresses and the digital space expands, so does the attack surface that exposes the ongoing proliferation of security risks. In today’s cloud-first world, security remains the primary concern.