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The latest News and Information on IT Service Management, Service Desk and related technologies.

Education Project Management Software (Guide)

Education project management software can transform learning experiences. Before the use of software, educational teams collaborated in meetings rooms and teacher lounges, and student reports were sent home to parents in crisp brown envelopes. Those days are gone. Times are changing and educators now have a wide range of digital collaboration tools to choose from.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month - It's Not Just for October: Reminders that Deserve Year-Round Attention!

Since 2003, with the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), October has been recognized as National Cyber Security Awareness Month. As with other important issues that have “designated months,” like Bullying Prevention Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month (both also recognized in October), these are issues that deserve year-round attention, not limited to 31 days in October.

Why Your Enterprise Needs a GRC Solution

It’s a fact of life, enterprises are facing a growing onslaught of risk every day. Risk is everywhere, from the most visible ransomware attacks to the more subtle changing and growing technology landscape that introduces new challenges. According to a recent article, ransomware attacks have already increased by over 93% since the beginning of 2021.

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Enterprise Service Management (How To Leverage Software)

Enterprise service management is all about applying the power of technology across every corner of an organization to improve performance and optimize for efficiency. With more cloud-based solutions on the market than ever before, there has never been a better time to start investing in enterprise service management solutions for your organization. Leveraging enterprise service management software is critical to ensuring your operation is firing on all cylinders. If you want to see your organization become more effective at quickly meeting the needs of customers, ESM software is going to play a pivotal role in making this possible. It has the potential to unite your workforce and get everyone on the same page.

The Podium

KPIs and Metrics are Essential Transformation Yardsticks—But So Is Experience. Although many IT leaders launch into projects with set goals, there’s no telling what sort of unexpected consequences will emerge. In episode 4 of The Change Makers podcast, you’ll see how you can plan and predict certain benefits, but several successful business outcomes arrive serendipitously. Take Lucy Hallam, Service Desk Manager at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust.

New Messaging Service drives end-to-end employee and customer experiences

The new world of hybrid work requires creative ways to engage with customers and employees no matter where they’re located. To answer that call, we’ve launched the ServiceNow Messaging Service to provide a seamless experience from issue to resolution. Built on integration with the Twilio platform, ServiceNow Messaging Service makes it easy for ServiceNow users to integrate SMS and WhatsApp into digital workflows using the Now Platform.

Jab on the job: Pandemic response is changing the role of employers

Small and large businesses alike are looking toward the future and are hoping for the economy to reopen as quickly and smoothly as possible. High vaccination rates will be key. The world’s biggest workflow challenge to convert vaccines into vaccinations has brought employers to the front line to drive the pandemic response effort. With more employers and governments now requiring employee vaccinations as a condition of work or office reentry, employee access to vaccines will become critical.

Creating the Business Case for ITSM Tool Consolidation

If you read our earlier blog “The Common Issues with Operating Multiple IT Service Desk Tools,” then you’re hopefully better aware of all the issues caused by running multiple service desk tools and potentially now looking at how to justify an ITSM tool consolidation project. To help, this blog shares some of the key opportunities to create a compelling business case for change.