Discover the risks and drawbacks of developing and distributing software without the support of a C++ package manager.
Sentry started life in 2008 as an unlicensed, 71-line Django plugin. The next year we began publishing it under BSD-3, and ten years later we switched to the Business Source License (BSL or BUSL). Last year we purchased Codecov, and a few months ago we published it under BSL/BUSL as well. That led to some vigorous debate because of our use of the term “Open Source” to describe Codecov, from which emerged this helpful suggestion from Adam Jacob, co-founder of Chef.
When multiple users are affected by an incident, it can quickly escalate into a chaotic situation. To effectively manage and prioritize such incidents, organizations need a robust incident priority matrix. An incident priority matrix is a tool organizations use to deal with critical issues quickly. It’s a roadmap for handling incidents efficiently.
ObservabilityCON 2023 took place in London this week, showcasing all the latest and greatest trends in open source observability. Following the opening keynote, the event featured a range of breakout sessions — led by both Grafana Labs experts and members of the Grafana OSS community — that explored observability best practices and lessons learned.
Approximately 65,000 new implementers will be needed by 2027 as a result of AI, according to research by ServiceNow and Pearson. The time is now to enter this dynamic and high-growth field. Let’s explore what an implementer is, how the role is changing, and how you can prepare to fill an open position.