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Smooth Sailing: Operational Best Practices for Managers

Effective operations management is key to the success of any business. Managers who implement streamlined processes and best practices not only improve efficiency but also enhance the overall performance of their teams. Operational best practices are about finding the right balance between resource allocation, staff management, and customer satisfaction. In this article, we'll explore essential operational strategies that managers can use to ensure smooth daily operations and long-term success.

The future of .NET for cross-platform development with .NET MAUI and Blazor

The.NET ecosystem rapidly evolves, equipping developers with the latest tools and frameworks for cross-platform application development. In a recent Founder & Friends podcast episode, “Everything.NET,” Raygun CEO John Daniel Trask (JD) and Microsoft Principal Program Manager James Montemagno explored the present and future of cross-platform development, highlighting Microsoft’s pivotal role in shaping the direction of this rapidly evolving field.

Simplifying AWS Testing: A Guide to AWS SDK Mock

Testing AWS services is an essential step in creating robust cloud applications. However, directly interacting with AWS during testing can be complicated, time-consuming, and expensive. The AWS SDK Mock is a JavaScript library designed to simplify this process by allowing developers to mock AWS SDK methods, making it easier to simulate AWS service interactions in a controlled environment. Primarily used with AWS SDK v2, AWS SDK Mock integrates with Sinon.js to mock AWS services like S3, SNS, and DynamoDB.
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Azure Monitor SCOM MI Explained

Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance (SCOM MI) is a cloud-based version of the System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), which allows you to monitor on-premises and cloud resources. In this context, Agent and Gateway Extensions in Azure Monitor SCOM MI and Management Packs (MPs) in SCOM serve different purposes but are both critical for monitoring your environment.

Integrate Incident Alerts With Discord Using Webhooks

Staying on top of your third-party Cloud and SaaS service outages is crucial to maintain the reliability of your own applications. If Discord is your communication tool of choice, you can keep up with such incidents by pushing these events to a Discord channel. Discord webhooks allow external applications to send messages to specific channels within a Discord server. This article describes how to integrate Discord as a channel in your IncidentHub account using webhooks.

Why Clean Architecture makes debugging easier

Let’s start with things we already know - complex projects are inherently hard to debug. The more complicated they are, the harder it is to debug them. The size of the project naturally defines complexity’s lower bounds, but even the smallest projects can become unnecessarily complex and messy if you don’t pay attention to how you structure them. Though we can’t eliminate complexity, we can manage it effectively with the right approach.

Navigating a Software Audit: How to Stay Compliant and Avoid Costly Mistakes

The very mention of a software audit can send shivers down the spines of countless asset managers. Let’s clear the air around this process by debunking common myths and introducing practical, down-to-earth strategies to navigate it confidently.

Building a team for successful AIOps adoption

As pressure increases on enterprise IT teams to streamline processes and reduce downtime, many organizations are looking for new tools and strategies. Customers and stakeholders expect operational efficiency and service reliability. Tools within the AIOps industry can relieve the pressure by reducing alert noise, automating manual workflows, and reducing mean time to resolution (MTTR). However, the challenges don’t end at tool purchase.

Interpreting your reliability test results

Gremlin’s default suite of reliability tests analyzes critical functions of modern services: scalability, redundancy, and resilience to dependency failures. Services that pass this suite of tests can be trusted to remain available during unexpected incidents. But what happens when a service fails a test? How do you take failed test results and turn them into actionable insights? This blog aims to answer that question.