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Three Ways to Keep Cardinality Under Control When Using Telegraf

This article will show how we kept cardinality under control with a few tweaks in the Telegraf configuration. If you’re not yet familiar with it, Telegraf is the native and open-source plugin-driver metrics collection agent of InfluxDB. As you may know, cardinality is the combination of measurements, tags, sets, fields, and values in a time-series database, and having high cardinality can be a challenge.

ServiceNow integrates SecOps with Microsoft to boost user security

Over the past year, organizations worldwide have seen an increasing number of cyberattacks. Phishing and vulnerability exploits continue to be leading attack channels. The content adapts to the times (COVID-19-related phishing, for example), but the attack channels themselves are not new. Combating these attack types requires a focus on transforming security operations and response.

Datadog Synthetic Monitoring now supports cross-browser testing

Your users access your application from a wide range of browsers, which have their own implementations of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For instance, many modern JavaScript features such as Promises and Arrow Functions are unsupported by some browsers. These inconsistencies can lead to missing elements and malfunctioning workflows that affect some—but not all—of your user base.

Healthcare cybersecurity: Our 6-step plan to secure healthcare data

The HIPAA Journal reported that “2020 was the worst ever year for healthcare industry data breaches.” In the US alone, there were 642 reported data breaches in which the number of records stolen exceeded 500, and in total, nearly 29.3 million healthcare records were exposed.

The Future of Database DevOps

I work as Director at ThoughtWorks in the database and DevOps space. I’ve been here for 20+ years and I vaguely remember my first project at ThoughtWorks in 1999 when we had just started using Agile software development practices. The basic challenge we faced was how to move database changes at the same pace as application code and keep them in sync so that deployments would work. At the time, we had to invent all the tools, processes, and techniques that we needed.

Logz.io Now Supports AWS App Runner

Logz.io now natively supports AWS App Runner. AWS has launched an innovative service called App Runner. This service builds upon Fargate, the AWS service that runs containers on Kubernetes without manual maintenance, patching, and upkeep of the containers or Kubernetes itself. App Runner takes this to the next level. It creates additional automation of and capabilities to deploy, run, and scale containerized workloads in concert with continuous deployment.

Resilience in Action Episode 7: Killing Ops with Tony Hansmann

Resilience in Action is a podcast about all things resilience, from SRE to software engineering, to how it affects our personal lives, and more. Resilience in Action is hosted by Kurt Andersen. Kurt is a practitioner and an active thought leader in the SRE community. He speaks at major DevOps & SRE conferences and publishes his work through O'Reilly in quintessential SRE books such as Seeking SRE, What is SRE?, and 97 Things Every SRE Should Know.

10 Biggest Mistakes IT Professionals Make And How to Avoid Them

IT spending grew to an impressive $3.8 trillion in 2019. With 2020 giving enterprises a reality check on remote working, the spending on digital transformation is expected to grow even further. It goes without saying that IT is an integral part of any company, big or small. When the stakes are so high, there’s very little room for mistakes. However, we’re all humans and do make mistakes.

Grafana Loki: Open Source Log Aggregation Inspired by Prometheus

Logging solutions are a must-have for any company with software systems. They are necessary to monitor your software solution’s health, prevent issues before they happen, and troubleshoot existing problems. The market has many solutions which all focus on different aspects of the logging problem. These solutions include both open source and proprietary software and tools built into cloud provider platforms, and give a variety of different features to meet your specific needs.

PowerShell DSC: The next generation

We have some exciting news for you about Puppet's support for the PowerShell DSC configuration framework for Windows. In short, content from the PowerShell Gallery will simply appear on the Puppet Forge and can be added to your Puppetfile and used just like any other Puppet module. This makes it by far the most flexible and maintainable iteration of DSC integration we've ever had. Pick and choose whatever DSC Resources you want and get all the VSCode IntelliSense magic you've come to expect.