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Easily monitor and alert on your Kubernetes clusters with the new Grafana Cloud integration

Today we’re excited to introduce the Kubernetes integration for Grafana Cloud, our composable observability platform bringing together metrics, logs, and traces with Grafana. Grafana Cloud users can now easily monitor and alert on core Kubernetes cluster metrics using the Grafana Agent, our lightweight observability data collector optimized for sending metric, log, and trace data to Grafana Cloud.

Build Automated, Scalable Enterprise Integration Workflows by Using the Enterprise Integration Pack (EIP) with Azure Logic Apps

In business-to-business (B2B) solutions and seamlessly creating communication between organizations, establishing a standard format to create communication across different services and enabling the security trust fact across various services is the most challenging parameter to achieve. But today, you can build automated, scalable enterprise integration workflows by using the Enterprise Integration Pack (EIP) with Azure Logic Apps at ease.

GitHub Authentication Policy Changes Coming August 2021

If you’ve already connected your GitHub integration via OAuth in GitKraken, you’re good to go! GitHub is changing its security policy and will no longer allow username/password-only access. This change goes into effect on August 13th, 2021, and affects all desktop Git applications that offer a GitHub integration, including GitKraken. Users who have already authenticated to GitHub using OAuth will be unaffected. OAuth is the default connection method within your GitKraken profile settings.

Announcing developer preview of the Mattermost Apps Framework and serverless hosting

The value of Mattermost is significantly enhanced with third-party tool integrations and customization. Today, we are releasing the developer preview of a new Apps Framework for creating application integrations and customized workflows. The Apps Framework complements the existing ecosystem of plugins and allows apps to be written in any language and deployed with serverless hosting.

A Guide to Enterprise Cost Containment for Monitoring Pros

In this enterprise cost containment series, we’ve tackled a range of topics from cloud to professional services and more. Now, I want to dive into the topic you may have expected us to cover from the start: monitoring. After all, at SolarWinds, we create monitoring software. The goal of this post is not to present or sell software, though. It’s our intention to help you have conversations with management and stakeholders—no matter the monitoring you use.

A DBA's Habit for Success: CMMI (Part Two)

Welcome back to our five-part series in which we discuss a top habit for DBAs to increase business functionality. In part one of this series, we discussed the importance of a capability maturity model (CMM) and more specifically Level 1 of the information management maturity model (IMMM) and how the framework can provide a step-by-step process for DBAs to follow while also allowing businesses to gain skills along the way.

Press Pause on Auto-Renewals: How to Brave a Software Switch

One of the biggest reasons organizations don’t try out a new software vendor is the perceived costs of switching. Most cite the fear of implementation being too expensive, too difficult, or too time-consuming—all excuses to justify maintaining a vendor contract, even if that vendor is performing poorly and not meeting expectations. But what’s at risk when organizations simply renew year after year? Who loses if the status quo is maintained?

Domain-Agnostic AIOps is the Future and PagerDuty is Joining the Movement

At PagerDuty, we have been heavily focused on developing our Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) solution. This has involved a lot of investment in our platform and a continued commitment to ensuring it delivers value to our customers as quickly as possible. With that, we’re delighted that Gartner named PagerDuty as a Representative Domain-Agnostic AIOps Vendor in its 2021 Market Guide for AIOps Platforms.

Elastic Common Schema: The journey so far

It has been just over two years since we introduced the Elastic Common Schema (ECS), and what a journey it’s been. From categorization fields to request for comments to Threat Intelligence fields, ECS has evolved rapidly over the course of the last two years. In this blog post, I would like to reflect on the ECS journey so far, and look towards the future of ECS.