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AWS Announces New EC2 Instances and EBS Volume - Spot by NetApp Delivers Support Right Away

As in years past, re:Invent is where AWS announces many new features, services and enhancements. This year is no exception and here at Spot by NetApp we are proud of our product and engineering groups for delivering immediate and full support in relevant areas such as the new GP3 EBS volume and new EC2 instance types – D3, D3en, R5b and M5zn.

Ethical artificial intelligence: the most important movement you've never heard of

Fake news spreads six times faster than factual news. The algorithms built into social media software, in an effort to hold our attention, feed us information that triggers the basest instincts of our complex psychologies. These are some of the starkest realities exposed in the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma.” Holding our attention is what the robot (if you will) was programmed to do. And it’s doing its job really, really well.

Why Database Performance Is Key to Understanding Application Health

Traditional database and application monitoring used to mean talking about a single server, in a single data center, in a single location. Many monitoring tools were—and still are—built around this single data center, single node idea. And while we’ve progressed to cloud-native applications, our tools haven’t quite caught on.

The importance of Active Directory for Fast Citrix Logon Time

Most of you know that one of the most important user experience metrics in a Citrix environment is the logon time. A 2018 survey by eG Innovations and DABCC found out that Citrix logon time was the number one problem for administrators: 59% of respondents rated logon time as their biggest problem. There are many best practices to improve Citrix logon times. Slowness during the logon processing can, of course, increase logon times. Issues with group policies or slow profile loading is often a cause.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Performance 2020

The year 2020 has disrupted every norm in our lives and redefined how the world functions. The pandemic has been a real test of the internet’s true power with everything shifting online – companies shifted to a remote workforce, meetings and conferences went virtual and retailers were forced to quickly ramp up their online presence to stay strong in the market. The tech industry has had to fast-track digital transformation to maintain a level of normality and to keep businesses running.

Managing the Icinga Director with Ansible

Our company is using Icinga for quite some time now to monitor our whole infrastructure and its customers infrastructure. We deploy many Icinga instances for different teams and customers (see this video for more information). To manage the configuration of these instances, we use the Icinga Director module. This gives us an easy way to deploy checks, services and hosts in Icinga. The teams do not have access to the configuration files of Icinga, so every change is done via the Director frontend.

What Is Profitable Innovation and How Can Your Business Achieve It?

In the context of businesses, the ultimate goal of innovation for technology companies is to drive a profit. This means that even though many software engineering problems can be solved with enough time and budget — just because a business can solve a problem doesn’t mean that they should. Sometimes, even once a team has figured out how to solve an engineering problem, it doesn’t make sense to deploy the solution — because it costs so much to operate.

What is VPN? The acronyms that could save your life

What is VPN? You know that in IT we absolutely love acronyms, right? Specifying and summing things up is our thing. Digital Video Disc? DVD. Central Processing Unit? CPU. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line? Yes, you guessed it right: ADSL. In fact, tell me a word, no matter how long… What the heck! let’s take one of the longest words, with no more and no less than 23 characters: electroencephalographer. Well, how would we find this word in a hypothetical technoglossary?