To say that K-12 school systems have challenges is an understatement. COVID forced schools to make a dramatic turn towards remote learning, which meant the network was anything but insular, forcing IT to efficiently support thousands of new remote endpoints. That is on top of other K-12 network challenges. Issue number one: tight budgets. Most school systems are tight for cash, especially after the financial stresses of COVID and all the millions spent on PPE.
Even reducing the loading time of our website by a second can have a drastic impact on the traffic we get. It is vital for our websites to load quickly in this fast-moving world, where all the information we need can be found within a blink of an eye. One way to achieve it is using Gzip compression. The Gzip algorithm compresses and decompresses data in order to make websites load faster in a client's machine.
In our on-demand webinar, Obkio’s network pros go over our network diagnostics process of how to locate and troubleshoot live network issues faster easter with Obkio network performance monitoring vs. traditional monitoring solutions. Networks are changing, and monitoring solutions need to keep up.
In our quest to provide the leading network observability solution, Kentik has been focused on developing a service for NetOps teams that empowers them to have intimate knowledge of their network traffic and the devices that route traffic. Our service helps them plan capacity, project costs, optimize routes, detect unwanted traffic, troubleshoot issues and analyze events.
It was really great to see so many old friends again at Cisco Live this year in Las Vegas. It’s been a few years since I’ve been to a conference other than a few small work events, so it was exciting to wander the World of Solutions, talk to people at the many booths, and bump into people I knew online but never met in person.
A network provides a way for many computers to all be connected and exchange data with each other simultaneously. It allows members of organizations to quickly complete tasks, share information, and carry out any computing responsibilities that rely on a working network. It’s important for each organization to ensure that their network design is suitable for their needs.