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The Auvik Network Device Buyer's Guide

Buying the right network devices is an essential part of network design, and can have an impact throughout the network lifecycle. Get it right, and your network is high-performing, easy to troubleshoot, and reliable. Get it wrong, and downtime, complexity, and costs add up fast. A network device buyer’s guide would probably be really helpful. So we made you one.

K-12 and Network Monitoring: Solving IT Mysteries, Meeting Challenges

To say that K-12 school systems have challenges is an understatement. COVID forced schools to make a dramatic turn towards remote learning, which meant the network was anything but insular, forcing IT to efficiently support thousands of new remote endpoints. That is on top of other K-12 network challenges. Issue number one: tight budgets. Most school systems are tight for cash, especially after the financial stresses of COVID and all the millions spent on PPE.

Common interoperability challenges for multi-cloud

As cloud technology has matured, hybrid and multi-cloud approaches have become commonplace. Enterprises have discovered that not all applications are suitable for the public cloud, meaning on-premise data centres are still active, and each public cloud has its own strengths and weaknesses, driving businesses to mix-and-match to suit their needs. This results in interoperability challenges for multi-cloud environments.

Gzip Compression for Faster Web Pages (Apache, Nginx, WordPress)

Even reducing the loading time of our website by a second can have a drastic impact on the traffic we get. It is vital for our websites to load quickly in this fast-moving world, where all the information we need can be found within a blink of an eye. One way to achieve it is using Gzip compression. The Gzip algorithm compresses and decompresses data in order to make websites load faster in a client's machine.

Network Configuration Management: The Benefits & Importance

Configuration management is one of those network management topics people often neglect. It’s not very exciting—but it’s incredibly important. Administrators rely on network configuration management in a variety of circumstances. Let’s discuss what network configuration is, delve further into the importance of network configuration, and explore the benefits of configuration management.

Kentik moves up the stack with Synthetic Transaction Monitoring

In our quest to provide the leading network observability solution, Kentik has been focused on developing a service for NetOps teams that empowers them to have intimate knowledge of their network traffic and the devices that route traffic. Our service helps them plan capacity, project costs, optimize routes, detect unwanted traffic, troubleshoot issues and analyze events.

How to Design a Network: 6 Best Practices for Success

A network provides a way for many computers to all be connected and exchange data with each other simultaneously. It allows members of organizations to quickly complete tasks, share information, and carry out any computing responsibilities that rely on a working network. It’s important for each organization to ensure that their network design is suitable for their needs.

All You Need To Know About Multi-Cloud Security

A recent study from Juniper Research predicts the value of enterprise cybersecurity spend will continue to climb, exceeding $226 billion in 2027; up from $179 billion in 2022. This growth of 26% over the next five years reflects a rising awareness of vulnerabilities, not least of which is DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) as a key driver behind the increasing spend.