HAProxy 2.6 is now available! As always, the community behind HAProxy made it possible to bring the enhancements in this release. Whether developing new functionality, fixing issues, writing documentation, QA testing, hosting CI environments, or submitting bug reports, members of our community continue to drive the project forward. If you’d like to join the effort, you can find us on GitHub, Slack, Discourse, and the HAProxy mailing list.
Network configuration management is a function that comprises assortment, monitoring and storage of information about every component that forms a network. The true purpose of such a solution is to come alive in time of any eventuality; it could be the need to update, upgrade, recover or could even be disaster management. The solution will provide all pertinent information at the hands of the IT operations team, enabling them to decide the course of action going forward.
Every IT administrator knows that users typically complain of two things: the network doesn’t work or it’s slow. When your network isn't working, it’s usually because something is down and we can rely on Network Fault Monitoring tools to notify us. But where do we start when users complain of poor performance? And what tools are available to help us? In these situations, Network Performance Monitoring tools might be just what you need.