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Goliath Named Top Virtualization Solutions Provider

IT Pros Troubleshoot and Resolve Citrix and VMware End-User Experience Issues Quickly with Goliath Philadelphia, PA – Aug 5, 2020 – Goliath Technologies, a leader in end-user experience monitoring and troubleshooting software, has been named a Top Virtualization Solutions Provider by Cloud Computing Outlook.

Fitness Websites Under Attack by Magecart

Our sources state that there has been a 20% increase in web-skimming attacks since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Recently, we have witnessed some high-profile Magecart attacks on websites which have gained popularity during the pandemic, including fitness-based websites. The latest fitness-based website attack reported is YogaFit, who were compromised for over 6 weeks.

Introducing Versions API to Automate Error Response for New Code Versions

You know the feeling. You’ve just deployed a new version to production and are monitoring the Rollbar dashboard for any new errors or looking out for any Slack notifications. You’re keeping an eye on the number of new or reactivated errors, their severity level, and triaging to see which errors need to be assigned and to whom. Now what if you could automate these tasks?

Exporters and Target Labels

When monitoring third-party applications with Prometheus, you’ll need an exporter if the application doesn’t already expose metrics in the appropriate format. How do you find an appropriate exporter, and once you have your exporters, how should you organize your label taxonomies to reflect your infrastructure? Many applications in the systems you’re in charge of will be third-party applications, which do not natively expose Prometheus-formatted metrics.

Improved FortiGate Integration

The new release of FortiOS 6.4 from 31 March 2020 brings a new and interesting feature of using webhooks for external API calls and enable automation stitches, which are easy to configure in FortiGate UI and allow you to run multiple actions. This led us to revise our integration script to utilize this functionality and allow administrators to easily configure different levels of mitigation with the webhooks.

Measuring VoIP Quality with SIP and RTP

The pandemic has changed the way teams collaborate within an organization and between companies. With work from home becoming the new normal, employees are turning to new options for collaboration, meeting, training and onboarding have moved online. The office is now a virtual space. With the increasing demand for online meetings, it is even more important to monitor the health and performance of such meetings.

Network operating system: operation, history and monitoring

In the early days of telephony, there were few people who had phone numbers in every town and city. There were just a few numbers to remember and if your brain failed, you could check with a telephone operator, women who always knew (and know) how to listen. Let’s see how a network operating system was born in the middle of the 20th century, right at the center of telephone networks.

Insights for AWS Kinesis and Step Functions now supported by Dashbird

August 2020 marks 3 years of Dashbird and empowering serverless DevOps teams to fully understand their complex serverless infrastructures by enabling them to get full observability and insights into its performance. This birthday month, we have plenty of surprises, giveaways, and goodies in our sleeve over the next few weeks, so sign up for our newsletter to be the first one to know.