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Benefits of Distributed Computing Systems to the Modern-Day Tech Businesses

The concept of distributed computing systems is relatively new. However, it has already gained immense popularity among modern-day tech businesses. This popularity is because distributed computing systems are easy to implement and offer a range of benefits that can help any business. This article will help to understand why they make sense for your business.

Torq Delivers on the Promise of Parallel Execution

Security operations professionals are constantly being pushed to the edge of their capacities. They’re dealing with endless manual processes and managing tasks sequentially, because of the limitations of their security tools and options. They’ve dreamed of being able to execute more tasks simultaneously to quickly enrich, analyze, contain, and resolve security threats. Today, Torq is proud to introduce Parallel Execution, which makes those capabilities a reality.

InvGate Obtains SOC 2 Certification: What it Means for You

We're happy to announce that InvGate has recently obtained SOC 2 certification, reinforcing our commitment to data security and compliance. SOC 2 is a rigorous security standard that examines an organization's control objectives and tests how well they are implemented. Developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), it consists of a third-party audit that evaluates how companies around the world handle data privacy.

Cybersecurity Insurance Trends: Key Takeaways for MSPs

The increasing frequency and severity of ransomware attacks are driving significant changes in the cyber insurance market. The May 2021 attack on Colonial Pipeline Co. showed—or rather, confirmed—just how vicious and financially damaging these events can be. Unsurprisingly, cyber security insurers are taking steps to limit their exposure to losses from cyberattacks.

Debunking Myths About Cyberattack Complexity in 2022

Stoking fears about the threat landscape is a popular approach, and one that I don’t particularly care for. Many will tell you that the threat landscape is constantly changing, that threats are getting more complex, and that actors are getting more sophisticated. “The whole world is getting more difficult and scarier, so buy our stuff!” There’s a ton of media sensationalism too, with the popular image of the hacker sitting at a computer, wearing a dark hoodie.

Using automation to deliver reliable managed security services

As a Cloud Service Provider (CSP), Managed Service Provider (MSP), or Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) you are instrumental in delivering effective and reliable managed security services to your clients. With cybercriminals taking advantage of less secure environments and becoming more advanced with their security breaches, this is becoming increasingly complex.

IT Monitoring for Government

Today’s blog comes from Kevin Howell, CEO of UK partner – Howell Technology Group (HTG) about their work supplying secure cloud technologies and remote working solutions to government and regulated customers. HTG are a trusted industry leader in the UK, who offer virtual desktops, managed services and efficient modern workplace solutions. Their solutions are also available with the UK Government’s Digital Market place under the G-Cloud Framework.

Securing the DX NetOps Development Lifecycle with DevSecOps

Recent, high-profile cybersecurity exploits, such as Sun Burst and Log4j, demonstrate that every enterprise is only a stone’s throw from a software vulnerability. This becomes especially critical when security is breached in a network monitoring component that has privileged access to core enterprise systems. In the case of Sun Burst, a well-known monitoring software provider made international headlines.

Ivanti Announces Lookout CASB/SWG Partnership for Ivanti Neurons for Zero Trust Access

Ivanti is proud to have partnered with Lookout, Inc to provide zero trust secure access across highly distributed application ecosystems while protecting their users, their data and their devices from accidental and malicious data exfiltration and threats. Today we are proud to announce the general availability of Lookout CASB and Lookout SWG as an add-on to Ivanti Neurons for Zero Trust Access (ZTA).