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In-house vs. MetricFire

You’re ingesting 20,000 data points a second, in 400,000 metrics, from thousands of AWS instances – and your monitoring can’t handle the load. You need a scalable, highly-available monitoring and dashboarding solution (and you need it yesterday). Should you do it yourself with an in-house Graphite or Prometheus monitoring system? Or will you skip the headache and choose a hosted service like MetricFire?

4 Bitbucket and Slack hacks to speed up your workflow, from actual devs

While working from home is the new normal, communicating and collaborating virtually hasn't become any easier. And for developers, being productive while at home has its own set of challenges (we're thinking of things like figuring out how to pair program over Zoom or how to make do with only a single monitor). In times like this, our engineering team has been relying on one short-cut towards productivity: the Bitbucket Cloud bot for Slack.

7 Considerations for Campus IT During the '20-'21 School Year

When COVID-19 hit in the spring and schools quickly transitioned to remote learning, we saw in real-time how important IT departments in education are. It was IT’s quick thinking that helped administrators, teachers, and students continue in their learning environments. Now that the ‘20-’21 school year is ramping up, it’s important that IT leaders in education continue on the path to success and plan for the expected and unexpected.

10 Helm Tutorials to Start your Kubernetes Journey

The growth of Kubernetes has been stellar and K8s applications have grown in importance and complexity. Today, even configuring a single application can require creating many interdependent K8s sources that each depend on writing a detailed YAML manifest file. With this in mind, Helm as a package manager for Kubernetes is a major way users can make their K8s configurations reusable.

How a Financial Services Leader Gained Visibility with DEM

Maintaining digital performance has always been a tough balancing act for the Financial Services industry. Every transaction must be encrypted and secured; customer data must be stored safely without the risk of a breach. Security is given the highest priority, the additional processes in the service delivery chain can tax performance. Financial service providers must go the extra mile to ensure their network is resilient with high performance, availability, reliability, and reachability.

Threat hunting capture the flag with Elastic Security: BSides 2020

Last month, members of the Elastic Security team hosted a threat hunting capture the flag (CTF) event at BSides SATX. We provided the community with an environment to learn and practice threat hunting with our team, and cultivated new relationships with attendees. By sharing information with security practitioners, we can help prepare them to defend their organization’s data from attack through knowledge transfer.

Detecting Windows Persistence

Persistence is effectively the ability of the attacker to maintain access to a compromised host through intermittent network access, system reboots, and (to a certain degree) remediation activities. The ability of an attacker to compromise a system or network and successfully carry out their objectives typically relies on their ability to maintain some sort of persistence on the target system/network.

What is PostgreSQL, and why do developers love it?

(Want your cloud apps managed? Reach out to Canonical now. You can also watch our webinar on why you should get your apps managed, and get your application reviewed by our app engineers.) PostgreSQL solves the problem of extensibility, in complex cloud environments. This statement is often thrown around, but why is it true? Should next-generation cloud-infrastructure still use it? Is it still relevant in an era of big data?