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How to Monitor your Modbus Devices with InfluxDB

We released a new Modbus input plugin in Telegraf 1.14 and in this blog I’d like to tell you more about that plugin and how you can use it. Modbus is a messaging protocol for industrial devices that was developed by Modicon (now Schneider Electric) for main-secondary communication between these intelligent devices. It has become an ideal protocol for remote terminal units (RTUs) where wireless communication is necessary.

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Applying Observability - In Conversation with Nitzan Shapira of Epsagon

Today we hear from Nitzan Shapira, Epsagon CEO, about the latest exciting Epsagon product announcements, how Applied Observability is needed to make sense of ever more complex applications and environments, and how the role of Ops and Monitoring is evolving as part of the new "Cloud 2.0".

Track any web performance metric with improved custom timings for Real User Monitoring

Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed a couple of key trends in the performance monitoring space. Adoption of single-page applications (SPAs) has continued to grow and as such performance monitoring is evolving. SPAs don’t offer the same existing web metrics like load time or first paint from the browser performance API. As a result, developers require more flexibility to track the metrics that matter to their end-users and business.

Uptrends and your CI/CD processes

If you’ve been following along, the last two articles explained the CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) processes. In this article, we look at how Uptrends fits into those processes. Uptrends can fit into your CI/CD process in several different ways. For example, you may want to use Uptrends for the testing and monitoring portions, include your monitor updates as part of your automation processes, or both.

How CFEngine stays ahead of the pack

CFEngine was the first Configuration Management solution on the market, and while we have made many and significant changes and improvements to CFEngine in that time, we stay true to the principles that make it such a great product and technology. There are many things that have changed in the market, not at least the competitive situation, we believe that fundamentally many of the challenges stay the same. It then follows that good architecture should not be sacrificed for short term hype.

Future proof your VMware monitoring in SCOM

VMware vSphere 7, the new generation of vSphere was released in April 2020. This major new release brings a massive improvement in the work experience of vSphere administrators. If you work with VMware you probably noticed many exciting new features released in vSphere 7. ​ Many of them are a bit out-of-scope for this blog post as we will primarily focus on monitoring. If you want to learn all about the latest VMware vSphere 7 release, I recommend checking out their blog.

How to visualize Prometheus histograms in Grafana

Do you have a Prometheus histogram and have you asked yourself how to visualize that histogram in Grafana? You’re not alone. Here, we will show you how it’s done. This post assumes you already have a basic understanding of Prometheus and Grafana and it will look at Prometheus histograms from the perspective of Grafana 7.0.

Attack of the mutant tags!Or why tag mutability is a real security threat

Tag mutability can introduce multiple functional and security issues. In container land, tags are a volatile reference to a concrete image version in a specific point in time. Tags can change unexpectedly, and at any moment. In this article, we’ll learn how we can prevent them.