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Are speed and security mutually exclusive?

Here’s a situation that is likely familiar to you if you work in enterprise IT. The need for strong security practices is more pressing than ever, with known vulnerabilities growing exponentially, and nearly half of companies having experienced a data breach in the last two years. At the same time, organizations face demands to deploy software faster, and more frequently. IT executives consistently identify cybersecurity and speed among their top priorities.

Mattermost as a communication gateway

The Mattermost platform is a powerful messaging tool that enables secure team collaboration. Rather than creating unique Mattermost plugins for each tool, Cognitio created a custom SMTP mail intercept capability that leverages AWS Lambda functionality and custom code to create integrations for a number of third-party applications.

Improving Cybersecurity Starts at the Endpoints

Careful monitoring and attention to endpoints are just two elements of a strong cybersecurity strategy for K-12 districts. Cybersecurity must be a top priority for K-12 schools. Schools need to prioritize thwarting industrious hackers who are intent on getting to the treasure trove of information and personally identifiable information (PII) schools manage.

Unified JFrog Log Analytics With Splunk

We work best by coming together. That’s why we built the JFrog DevOps Platform, bringing together our set of solutions to operate as a single, unified user experience. That unity powered by Artifactory 7 helps bring total understanding and control of your software build pipelines. To keep it running, you also need a unified, real-time view of the entire platform’s operation.

Monitoring APIs for Better Performance

In this week’s Tip Tuesday, we are focusing on API monitoring. APIs are a set of rules or standards, which extend the functionality of an application, allowing different applications and/or programs to interact. These little helpers are built with flexibility and ease of integration in mind. APIs simplify programming, allowing developers to build complex applications without having to worry about usability.

Spring 2020 Launch: New Capabilities for a New Digital Era

The ongoing pandemic and resulting economic downturn have led to dramatically changing market conditions. As a consequence, technology teams have become increasingly concerned with the need to minimize their financial risk and reduce costs to mitigate the effects of abruptly pivoting to a fully remote working environment. For some, there has been a struggle to maintain business continuity—i.e., keeping the physical components of the business running when everyone is working from home.

The Rise of the Machines: ITOM Meets Automation

I started in the IT industry in networking. I had a negative experience in high school trying to learn computer programming*, so I was relieved route/switch had much less to do with computer programming. With the rise of the machines, this isn’t the case anymore. Now in addition to learning router or switch operating systems, routing protocols, and overlay technologies, today’s savvy network engineer needs to throw in things like Python, Ansible, and Jinja.

Node.js Logging Guide-Best Tips and Tools to Use in 2020

When applications experience performance issues, developers may rely on heuristics and find the root cause of issues by directly looking into their code. However, in modern application environments, several services, third-party APIs, and cloud-based components can make it difficult to pinpoint the root cause of an issue. Application logs can help developers detect and resolve issues faster.