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Infrastructure Ops in 2019 - An Operating Model For Hybrid Cloud Transformation ..(2/2)

The early adopters have begun to find a great degree of success and it is now time for the more mainstream enterprise to get off the proverbial wall and begin exploring containers and other areas of the cloud-native landscape. However, there is a need to mitigate or manage the risk of adopting new technology as it does introduce a dimension of change that accompanies any transformation.

Close the Visibility Gap for Modern Cloud Native Services with OpsRamp's Kubernetes Monitoring

With the adoption of agile microservices, enterprise IT teams have rapidly transitioned from managing pets (physical and virtual servers) to cattle (public cloud services) to now chickens (containerized infrastructure). Container platforms like Docker and container orchestration engines like Kubernetes are helping IT operators drive greater agility, portability, and flexibility for scaling, managing, and optimizing microservices architectures.

Introduction to Apache Web Server

Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet. It is commonly referred to as Apache and after development, it quickly became the most popular HTTP client on the web. It’s widely thought that Apache gets its name from its development history and process of improvement through applied patches and modules but that was corrected back in 2000.

DevOps Engineer Starter Guide

Everybody climb aboard the hype train with me. Today, we’re going to study a new job title: the DevOps engineer. This role is getting popular in the same way that the full-stack developer role became popular before it. In fact, one could argue that the DevOps engineer is an extension of the full-stack developer in that both seek to extend our ownership of our software.

Slack Channel Stakeholder Notifications

Recently, while working with a customer, I saw a really cool use of PagerTree’s Stakeholder Notifications to send messages into a Slack channel. They did this by using the Slack’s Email to Slack integration along with PagerTree’s Stakeholder notifications. Today I’d like to share with you how they did it.

Logz.io and Microsoft Azure: A Proud Partnership in Open Source

Today, I’m excited to announce a partnership between Logz.io and Microsoft Azure. With this partnership, Logz.io is now offering Azure customers a fully managed, scalable machine data analytics platform built on ELK and Grafana. What does that mean? Azure customers can now easily deploy, run, and scale ELK without the hassle and pain of maintaining and managing the stack themselves.

How to monitor Oracle Traffic Director(OTD) Components and Instances?

Previously on WLSDM blog, we announced our products new release with “New Release WLSDM 3.7.1 and WL-OPC 1.2.0 is common available!” post. WLSDM and WL-OPC release offers a complete Oracle FMW product stack monitoring infrastructure for your FMW domains and their system components and instances. In this blog post, we have created another tutorial to learn how to monitor and diagnose Oracle Traffic Director (OTD) Components and Instances.

Ask Us Anything: Should I Run Prometheus in a Container?

At Grafana Labs, we field questions about best practices from customers all the time. One company recently asked whether it should run a containerized Prometheus environment rather than a VM-based one. We thought we’d share our answer here too. So: Should you run Prometheus in a container?

AlarmsOne and Applications Manager now have a tight webhook integration

To make your application monitoring easier, we’ve built a tighter integration between AlarmsOne and Applications Manager. AlarmsOne already has a Poller-based integration with Applications Manager; however, now it has a webhook integration that will have you receiving alerts in a jiffy.