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Answer to the Ultimate Question of (On-Call) Life, the Universe, and Everything: 71

In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a group of scientist mice built a mega-computer named “Deep Thought” to Answer “The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.” After 7.5 million years, the machine produced “42.” At PagerDuty, we did something similar, except we didn’t have scientist mice or wait 7.5 million years.

New generation of web servers based on HTTP/2 and with TLS by default: " Caddy Web Server".

As we all know, Pandora FMS allows the monitoring of practically any device or application. Let’s talk about web content servers. Even the very popular applications or “apps”, made for the Android operating system of our phones, generally use API commands, which are also hosted on web servers to take advantage of the secure protocol (HTTPS).

Careful Data Science with Scala

Data science and machine learning have gotten a lot of attention recently, and the ecosystem around these topics is moving fast. One significant trend has been the rise of data science notebooks (including our own here at Sumo Logic): interactive computing environments that allow individuals to rapidly explore, analyze, and prototype against datasets.

Cloudways - A Managed Cloud Hosting Platform that Facilitates Choice, Simplicity, and Performance

A reliable web host is unlike any other friend when you’re super monitoring your website. You should be able to spread your wings and expand those horizons without all the fuss. In our search of many web-hosting providers, we found one name that is powerful enough to scale your website effectively – Cloudways.

Change is in the air. BigPanda can help you embrace it.

It’s time for change – my first insight from GartnerIO, 2018. During my flight to Vegas I remembered that this was probably my 15th visit to a conference in Vegas (but who can really count…after a few, it all starts to blur together). What I do remember though is that, in each of these conferences, there was one very shiny buzzword. The reason I remember this so well is because, while everyone agreed on what the buzzword was, there was no consensus on what that word meant!

The Tool Sprawl Problem in Monitoring

One of the biggest KPIs in the DevOps space is monitoring. There are so many tools to help any organization to complete their monitoring picture, but no tool does everything and most organizations use many tools to help complete their monitoring solution. Mashing tools together often creates a problem of its own — the tool sprawl problem.