Everyday IT operators are trying to prevent outages of business-critical applications. When prevention is not possible, IT operators strive to reduce the mean time to repair (MTTR) as much as possible. Improving resolution time can be quite a challenge. But IT operators don't stand alone in this challenge. They can use smart solutions that support Automated Root Cause Analysis and Anomaly Detection.
Threat actors move fast. They are agile and will shift tactics as opportunities present themselves. As the COVID-19 pandemic changed how we had to work and manage our users and environments, threat actors also made changes. They adapted to a new opportunity and they did so very quickly. ZScaler released a report in April showing the increase in COVID themed attacks increasing 30,000% between January and March this year.
With the first half of the year now behind us, and following our current cadence of quarterly updates, we continue to support our customers by releasing a third Identity Director update for 2020. Where the 2020.1 release of Identity Director focused on password resets—aiming to help both users and organizations as more and more employees work from home—the current release is all about empowering the users to be in control.
As part of our re-affirmed commitment to customers, Ivanti formed an Independent Business Unit that consists of a dedicated set of Ivanti products and services with the single purpose of pleasing its customers by providing long term value. This new unit’s development is driven by our customers’ feedback and requirements. We are pleased to announce our most recent release for Ivanti Service Desk 2018.3 - update 14!
Without SRECon happening this year and the world turned upside down from COVID-19, we set out to hold a virtual event to bring SREs together to share their experiences of what has changed. Last week’s SRE from Home was exactly that. With 1900 registrants, 20 lively Slack channels, six illuminating and entertaining talks from a diverse range of experts in the field and our #askanSRE panel answering attendees’ questions with a candid generosity, it was an amazing, jam-packed day.
Ever watch news coverage of an incoming hurricane? You’ve got those correspondents out there in the elements, wearing their yellow rain ponchos, fighting the wind, and describing the scene to an audience watching at home. That situation reminds me of life as an engineer managing a large-scale IT infrastructure. Although I’m no longer a sysadmin there were certainly days where I had to put on my metaphorical poncho and weather an incoming storm.
At ecobee, adopting Honeycomb started as a grassroots effort. Engineers signed up for the free tier and quickly started sharing insights with teammates. When it came time for ecobee to make the “build vs. buy” decision for observability tooling, sticking with Honeycomb was the clear choice. Now on the enterprise plan, ecobee’s engineering squads rely on features like SLOs to support the business’s need to map engineering effort to user impact.
This is part of our series on cost management and optimization in Elasticsearch Service. If you’re new to the cloud, be sure to think about these topics as you build out your deployment. If you are yet to start, you can test out the content here by signing up to a 14-day free trial of Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud.