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Root Cause Changes: are they the "Elephant in the NOC?" Here's the CTO Perspective

Ask any IT Ops practitioner what the first question they ask is when joining an emergency bridge call, and you’ll get the same answer: “What changed?” Our customers report that changes in their IT environments cause 60% to 90% of the incidents they see. Yet for some reason enterprises still find it difficult to deal with changes and correlate them to the IT incidents they may have caused.

Serverless for Enterprises: Scale big or go home

We discuss quite a bit about going serverless for SMEs and startups, however it’s often those with an already huge infrastructure, such as enterprises, that can find the move and change daunting. We see many companies from the likes of Coca-Cola to Netflix managing it but what does it look like in action? In this article, we share some best practices and insights on the serverless designs that can scale massively and represent enterprise models.

An IT Exec Charts a New Path Amid New Realities

If you’re the chief IT executive of a Fortune 500 company right now, all eyes are on you. You need to be the hero, the light in the gloom, the one to deliver your company from the brink of economic disaster in a year like no other. If you’re Rob Carter, Executive VP of Information Services at FedEx, you’ve been working toward this moment for years. Carter was the keynote speaker at the Enterprise IT Virtual Event on July 23, hosted by Data Center Knowledge.

sFlow vs NetFlow: What's the Difference?

In any given network, switches, routers, and firewalls may support different flow protocols. After all, there’s NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX, and J-Flow, to name a few. With so many options, you may be wondering “Which flow protocol should I use?” It’s a common question, and it has a relatively simple answer: While some devices support multiple protocols, a device typically only supports one type of flow protocol, so you should use the protocol your device and collector supports.

New Integration: Create Zoom incident bridges automatically

Incident response doesn’t only happen in Slack, so today we’re happy to announce our integration with Zoom to create incident bridges automatically. Using the power of FireHydrant Runbooks, a Zoom meeting can be added with fully customizable titles and agendas based on your incident details. Let’s dive into how it works.

Sumo Logic and ZeroFOX Join Forces to Improve Visibility and Protect your Public Attack Surface

Today’s organizations have the challenge of managing several different applications and software within their technology stack. The more public-facing platforms an organization utilizes, the greater their public attack surface risks. Without proper protection, they and their community can become an easy target for malicious actors.

Introducing LogDNA Web Server Template

With the ever-growing volume of application logs and analysis tools available, it can be time-consuming to set up your observability tools to keep up with best practices. Every new piece of infrastructure deployed also causes another piece of dashboard and monitoring that needs to be put in place to ensure stability and reliability.

Mitigate risk with rolling deployments

Deploying a new feature to production is a momentous occasion. It's important to ensure that everything goes properly at this stage, as deployments tend to be error-prone when not handled correctly. To examine why this is and how you can avoid it, let's take a look at the different types of deployments available and where some of them fall short.

7 things no one will ever tell you about Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the most popular Open Source technology of the last five years. It was created by Google to allow companies to use container (Docker) applications in production. Today, Kubernetes is the new standard for running applications in the Cloud or on its servers (on-premise). I even heard from a Cloud architect from Azure: "our customers no longer come to us to do Cloud, but to do Kubernetes". That's to say how much a utility software* upsets a whole ecosystem.