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New Integration: Google Firebase Crashlytics

Keep Your Apps Stable Using PagerDuty’s Integration With Google Firebase Crashlytics. Are you a developer tasked with keeping a mobile application stable and performing as expected? If so, you probably know that the worst tends to happen when you aren’t around to deal with it—like that time a high-impact crash happened when you were traipsing through Europe.

Why Is Troubleshooting "Citrix is Slow" So Hard?

“Citrix is slow” is one of the most common complaints Citrix admins hear on a daily basis. Somewhat ironically, Citrix itself is rarely the problem and the actual cause of the Citrix slow performance issues lies elsewhere. This can make troubleshooting “Citrix is slow” issues extraordinarily difficult to do.

Best Practices for Efficient Log Management and Monitoring

When managing cloud-native applications, it’s essential to have end-to-end visibility into what’s happening at any given time. This is especially true because of the distributed and dynamic nature of cloud-native apps, which are often deployed using ephemeral technologies like containers and serverless functions.

Toughening Security for Linux Servers

As with any other operating system, security is a prime concern with Linux network hardware. In this article, we’ll be giving some recommendations on how to toughen the security posture of your Linux servers. Screenshots and example syntax relate to systems running Kali Linux, CentOS, RHEL, Ubuntu, and Debian-based Linux distributions.

Understanding RBAC in Sensu Go

Regulating access to resources is a fundamental measure for enterprises to ensure the security and reliability of a system. The last thing you need is a stolen or weak password to give up the keys to the proverbial kingdom. With role-based access control (RBAC), this risk is mitigated by providing only the necessary access so a user in your organization doesn't have more access than needed.

Breaking Down the Barrier Between Employees and IT

In the traditional enterprise architecture, IT departments are far removed from employees and often even viewed as a secluded area of the business. Sure, IT would come help you relatively quickly if your computer wasn’t working or an application kept crashing, but for the most part, the IT employees kept to themselves, working hard to keep the network up and running and ready to put out the occasional fire when called upon.

How to Install the ELK Stack on AWS: A Step-By-Step Guide

The ELK Stack is a great open-source stack for log aggregation and analytics. It stands for Elasticsearch (a NoSQL database and search server), Logstash (a log shipping and parsing service), and Kibana (a web interface that connects users with the Elasticsearch database and enables visualization and search options for system operation users). With a large open-source community, ELK has become quite popular, and it is a pleasure to work with.

Grafana Plugin Tutorial: Polystat Panel (Part 2)

At the end of Part 1, the end result was a set of polygons that represented each Cassandra node in a Kubernetes statefulset. The cAdvisor-based metrics CPU/Memory/Disk utilization are scraped by Prometheus. This second tutorial will focus on a rollup of multiple Cassandra clusters running inside Kubernetes. We will end up with three dashboards tied together to provide an overview of our Cassandra clusters.