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Understanding the Kubernetes Node

With over 48,000 stars on GitHub, more than 75,000 commits, and with major contributors like Google and Red Hat, Kubernetes has rapidly taken over the container ecosystem to become the true leader of container orchestration platforms. Kubernetes offers great features like rolling and rollback of deployments, container health checks, automatic container recovery, container auto-scaling based on metrics, service load balancing, service discovery (great for microservice architectures), and more.

Developer's Guide to Cognito with Stackery

Cognito is AWS’s cloud solution for authentication – if you’re building an app that handles users with passwords, you can use AWS to handle the tricky high-risk security issues related to storing login credentials. No need to go it alone! Pricing is based on your number of monthly active users, and the first 50k users are free. For apps I’ve worked on, we would have been very pleased to grow out of that free tier.

eG Innovations Named as a Top 10 Global Vendor for Continuous Application Performance Management

Continuous application performance management (CAPM) is a key focus area in the enterprise IT segment. With organizations increasing their focus on digital business services, monitoring and managing the application performance becomes paramount. When a digital business service is slow or down, it impacts the business adversely.

Entity Extraction with spaCy

Entity extraction is, in the context of search, the process of figuring out which fields a query should target, as opposed to always hitting all fields. The reason we may want to involve entity extraction in search is to improve precision. For example: how do we tell that, when the user typed in Apple iPhone, the intent was to run company:Apple AND product:iPhone? And not bring back phone stickers in the shape of an apple?

Deploy Your First Deep Learning Model On Kubernetes With Python, Keras, Flask, and Docker

This post demonstrates a *basic* example of how to build a deep learning model with Keras, serve it as REST API with Flask, and deploy it using Docker and Kubernetes. This is NOT a robust, production example. This is a quick guide for anyone out there who has heard about Kubernetes but hasn’t tried it out yet. To that end, I use Google Cloud for every step of this process.

How to collect, customize, and centralize Python logs

Python’s built-in logging module is designed to give you critical visibility into your applications with minimal setup. Whether you’re just getting started or already using Python’s logging module, this guide will show you how to configure this module to log all the data you need, route it to your desired destinations, and centralize your logs to get deeper insights into your Python applications.