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Simplify Troubleshooting with AIOps

There is a lot of industry buzz around how AIOps will affect change within IT Operations (ITOps). According to Gartner, Inc., the term “AIOps” describes platforms that combine big data and machine learning to support ITOps. This means that the problems being solved aren’t novel, the approach is. In ITOps or any other business unit, there are two primary constraints: time and money.

A Look at the Latest Cloud Data Source Plugins in Grafana

The engineers at Grafana Labs have their heads in the clouds. “This is a new world: We have hybrid clouds and multiclouds,” Daniel Lee told the crowd gathered at GrafanaCon 2019 in Los Angeles. And the advantage clients have when using Grafana’s hosted services is that “they can deploy them on any cloud,” said Lee.

How I monitor the Ingress Sojourner Medal using Healthchecks.io

The primary intended use, in the case of Healthchecks.io, is to monitor the regularly running tasks on servers, such as cron jobs. However, the “alert me if X doesn’t happen on time” functionality can be useful in many other contexts too. One of the quirkier ways I’ve been personally using Healthchecks.io is to help my progress towards the Sojourner medal in Ingress.

Observations from SRECon Americas, Brooklyn, NY - March 2019

“We can know one thing: shit’s gonna fail.” Last week we participated in SRECon Americas, held across three days of intensive learning with practitioner talks, hands-on workshops, socializing, and of course vendor booths. Now in its third year, attendees numbered 650 with an additional ~300 from sponsors and organizers.

Best Practices to Optimize the Cost of Cloud Infrastructure

Being elastic in nature, many of us think migrating to cloud will be a cost-effective solution to host infrastructure. But this is partly true, however, when your hosted infrastructure becomes fat the cost of the cloud increases rapidly. Moreover, managing cloud infra costs becomes difficult because of the growing infrastructure/teams. To curb the increasing costs, here are a few best practices which can be adhered to manage infrastructure efficiently.