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Simplifying Cloud Management With OpsRamp: Part 1

Analyst firm IDC forecasts that organizations will collectively spend $370 billion on public cloud services and infrastructure in 2022. Given the skyrocketing adoption of public cloud platforms, enterprises are using a number of approaches (lift and shift, replatforming, and refactoring) to smoothly transition on-prem workloads to the cloud.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Website

There’s some research that points to the Iranian New Year as the source for spring cleaning. The idea was that the end of the colder months was an opportunity to “shake the house” (khooneh tekouni) to feel renewed. Nowruz, or new day, occurs on the first day of spring and like everyone else with a New Year resolution, the concept of cleaning and renewal was about setting a fresh start. Here we are, spring build alpha already deployed in some parts of the world.

Is Online Shopping Dead?

When I was a kid, we would head to the city to buy things, everything from a pair of shoes to new school supplies. As I grew up in the 1990s, we were introduced to a new way of shopping: malls. They were easier, the variety was bigger, and the lights were brighter. With that, our habit of street shopping mostly “died.” Over the past few years, retail has been rattled by another development: online shopping, which, according to all indications, is now killing the mall.

Downtime Costs You Money, Productivity and Clients - Here's How to Prepare for It

Despite being one of the most important factors that affect online businesses today, downtime is also often one of the most overlooked. Many organizations realize that downtime results in immediate money loss, customer satisfaction and employee productivity, yet fail to employ measures that will efficiently prevent it and reduce it.

Collect, Monitor, and Process AWS Logs and Metrics at Scale with Cognitive Insights

Famed management thinker Peter Drucker is often quoted as saying, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Tracking and analyzing data of a system provides metrics to measure, predict, and improve the underlining health of the system. Logging data is the simplest act of collecting data for measurement and plays an important role in modern enterprises, as it provides a way to measure the health of hardware devices and software applications alike.

The story behind CloudSpend and why we built it

Back in 2008 when we began our journey, cloud computing was still relatively new. Though the term had a lot of buzz around it, organizations only considered the cloud as a place to experiment, not as a viable alternative to run production workloads. Now, the cloud has become the go-to strategy for enterprises and startups alike to deliver their digital business.

How to Look for Suspicious Activities in Windows Servers

Scenario You are running a large production environment with many Windows servers. There are multiple forests in the network and some forests have multiple domain controllers. Your Windows server security is paramount – you want to track and audit suspicious activities and view detailed Windows reports extracted from the Windows servers event logs.

Preserve Referenced Images When Deleting AMI Images

As your AWS usage grows, so will your stockpile of EBS snapshots and AMI images. Many of these are used for backups, while others are used to launch EC2 instances from Auto Scaling groups and EC2 launch templates. As your collection of AMI images grows, you will need to start rotating out the old AMI images.