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Falco 0.13.0 Released: Kubernetes Audit Events Support

We recently released Falco 0.13.0, which is probably the most exciting release since Falco’s 0.1.0 release almost two and a half years ago. With 0.13.0, we’re adding support for a second stream of events — Kubernetes Audit Events. This release also lays the groundwork for additional event sources to be easily added.

WebLogic Smart Dashboard and Monitoring-A Tool for WebLogic Administrators by Rounak Agrawal

I have been working on WebLogic server for more than 3 years. I do monitor server log files, Server status, Data source , JMS servers, deployed application status, CPU/Memory usage and much more J2EE applications related metrics. This was a repetitive task for me checking manually everything on console .I always thought of writing some scripts , even i wrote one Jython script which was giving HTML formatted report.

Heatmaps Make Ops Better

In this blog miniseries, I’d like to talk about how to think about doing data analysis “the Honeycomb way.” Welcome to part 1, where I cover what a heatmap is—and how using them can really level up your ability to understand what’s going on with distributed software. Heatmaps are a vital tool for software owners: if you’re going to look at a lot of data, then you need to be able to summarize it without losing detail.

Check Root Access Keys Action

Still referencing Best Practices for Managing AWS Access Keys, best practices recommends that root access keys are never used and should be completely removed from your AWS account. Instead, IAM users with limited permissions should be used. In fact, Skeddly even prevents root access keys from being registered with Skeddly. We always recommend using IAM third-party roles, however, access keys can still be used. And we only allow IAM user access keys to be registered.

timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 68

The team was busy speaking at events in Europe and the US this week, showing off new Grafana features and talking about what’s to come. Check out the presentation on logging in Grafana below; we’ll share the video once it’s available. Also in this week’s issue we have 2 new plugins to share, and your weekly dose of Grafana related blog articles and videos.

Improving Hospital Workflow with OnPage Alerting

At many points in a hospital’s functioning, workflow touches the outcome. The problem facing much of healthcare though is that the established workflow for alerting and messaging physicians is broken. What are ways for improving scheduling doctors? What are the potential impacts from improvement?

The Challenge Facing Compliance Officers in the Financial Services Sector

Compliance is a major challenge for firms operating in highly regulated industries that rely on external networks of agents or affiliates to sell and/or promote their products. In wealth management, insurance, and lending industries, regulations stipulate that any “content” that is publicly accessible is considered to be advertising and as such, subject to strict compliance oversight.

Improving the Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Threat Detection

Companies are generating massive amounts of data every minute. It’s impossible, unrealistic, and cost-prohibitive for analysts to spot every threat. That’s why even though breaches are in decline year over year, the first quarter of 2018 saw 686 breaches that exposed 1.4 billion records through hacking, skimming, inadvertent Internet disclosure, phishing, and malware.

Accelerate Your Career: Become an Agent of Transformation

A new global research report launched today by AppDynamics reveals the emergence of a new breed of technologist, primed to drive positive and sustainable change within their organizations over the coming years – The Agents of Transformation. Technology advancements continue to change the world in ways we’re only beginning to imagine – transforming the way we work, rest, and play.