Most modern platforms like AWS and Kubernetes create dynamic environments by quickly spinning up instances or containers with significantly shorter lifespans than physical hosts. In these environments, where large-scale applications can be distributed across multiple ephemeral containers or instances, tagging is essential to monitoring services and underlying infrastructure.
The new year is fast approaching, and many of us will make resolutions in preparation for 2020. As you make your own personal pledge to change an undesired trait or behavior, or to accomplish a personal improvement goal, take a closer look at some of the changes you can make on the business side of things. Perhaps your organization’s websites could use some improvements of their own.
Single-node deployments of Kubernetes are more common than what one would expect. In some scenarios, single-node clusters make much more sense. For development purposes or testing, there’s no need to deploy a full-blown production-grade cluster. Single-node deployments are also handy for appliances and IoT applications since they have a much smaller footprint. Enter MicroK8s, a tool by Canonical that enables you to easily deploy a lightweight single-node cluster in your local environment.
When working with Java or any other JVM-based programming language we get certain functionalities for free. One of those functionalities is clearing the memory. If you’ve ever used languages like C/C++ you probably remember functions like malloc, calloc, realloc and free. We needed to take care of the assignment of each byte in memory and take care of releasing the assigned memory when it was no longer needed.
The Extended Support end-date for XenApp 6.5 is just under two months away, so the remaining customers, which I expect to be a fair few, should be on their migration journey to the Flexcast Management Architecture versions of Virtual Apps and Desktops 7. We should take a moment to firstly identify the different types of customers and where they are on their Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops journey.
When it comes to the most popular technologies, we look to Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey 2019 to find the answers. JavaScript continues to be the most commonly used programming language for 7 years in a row, while Python is the fastest growing. If you want to find out what tools these developers are using, that’s where our survey comes in. For the fourth year in a row, Axosoft asked our global community of software developers to tweet their top 5 #MustHaveDevTools.
On 12-10-2019, Git released patch v2.24.1 to address several common vulnerabilities and exposures, or CVE. For those unfamiliar with what CVE is, it is a dictionary that provides definitions for publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities and exposures. These security issues could allow complete takeover of a computer through the use of various git commands. They can affect all Git and GitKraken users, especially those that have exposure to lots of obscure public repos.