Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Unlock the full potential of your data with Elastic Search Platform

Data: the volume of it, the variety of it, and the complexity of it is overwhelming. Join Elastic Enterprise Search Product Lead Jonas Lavoie as he interviews VP of Elastic Platform Steve Kearns, GM of Elastic Observability Sajai Krishnan, GM of Elastic Security Santosh Krishnan, and GM of Elastic Enterprise Search Matt Riley about the data challenges facing IT leaders today and how 1 platform with 3 search-powered solutions built on 1 tech stack can unlock the power of structured and unstructured data -- anywhere.

A look under the hood at eBPF: A new way to monitor and secure your platforms

In this post, I want to scratch at the surface of a very interesting technology that Elastic’s Universal Profiler and Security solution both use called eBPF and explain why it is a critically important technology for modern observability. I’ll talk a little bit about how it works and how it can be used to create powerful monitoring solutions — and dream up ways eBPF could be used in the future for observability use cases.

How to detect anomalies in logs, metrics, and traces to reduce MTTR with Elastic Machine Learning

Elastic Observability has extensive machine learning capabilities that support and improve analysis in APM. Learn techniques for correlating and detecting anomalies of telemetry data from APM agents for a particular application.

How retailers are uncovering insights and driving more conversions this holiday season

This year, global ecommerce transactions are expected to grow by over 12% during the 2022 holiday season. As the industry continues to rely more on ecommerce, retailers are looking at new ways to improve customer experience and provide a safe and secure shopping journey. In an increasingly competitive space, many retailers are leveraging their data assets to accomplish more, spark innovation, create more personalized experiences, and drive higher conversion rates.

Announcing general availability of Elastic APM .NET agent profiler auto-instrumentation

A few months back, we introduced the beta release of Elastic APM.NET agent profiler auto-instrumentation. Fast forward to today, we're excited to announce the general availability (GA) of this powerful capability that allows the.NET APM agent to automatically instrument.NET Framework, .NET Core, and.NET applications without requiring code changes or recompilation.

Elastic Enterprise Search 8.5: Machine learning for intuitive search experiences

The latest release of Elastic Enterprise Search introduces a suite of new features and capabilities for building world-class search experiences for your mission-critical applications, websites, online stores, or anything in-between: With this release, building search experiences for your ecommerce retail site, enhancing your employees’ ability to access relevant HR documentation, or building a custom application to quickly draw analytic insights can draw on the power of using the trained model of

Managing your Kubernetes cluster with Elastic Observability

As an operations engineer (SRE, IT manager, DevOps), you’re always struggling with how to manage technology and data sprawl. Kubernetes is becoming increasingly pervasive and a majority of these deployments will be in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Some of you may be on a single cloud while others will have the added burden of managing clusters on multiple Kubernetes cloud services.

What can Elastic Synthetics tell us about Kibana Dashboards?

I like to leverage our technologies to ensure our products have a pleasant user experience. Elastic Synthetics enables you to configure it in an out-of-the-box experience directly through your Elastic Cloud deployment without the need to install anything! It also works across the globe with multiple locations you can choose from. Ever wondered how fast your web service is when accessed from Japan, Germany, or the eastern U.S.? Now you can do this by simply clicking on a checkbox.