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The Impact of Modern Technology on Social Media

Social media has been around for quite a long time. For example, Facebook turned 20 in 2024. Think about technology from 20 years ago. In 2004, we had flip phones with limited features. Now, we have phones that can have more power than some computers. In 2004, the iPod was considered high-tech. Modern technology has dramatically changed social media, and this post will discuss this. Also, learn how you can buy IG Reels likes using ViralGrowing.

The Unsolved Challenges of LLMs in Open-Ended Web Tasks: A Case Study on the Future of Work

Welcome to the AI research bites. This series of short and informative talks showcases cutting-edge research work from ServiceNow AI Research team. The AI Research Bites are open to all, especially those interested in keeping up with the fast-paced AI research community.

How Proper Infrastructure Design Impacts Network Reliability

In the digital age, network reliability is paramount for businesses of all sizes. A robust and dependable network infrastructure ensures seamless operations, uninterrupted communication, and efficient data transfer. However, achieving this level of reliability hinges on a well-designed infrastructure that accounts for factors like redundancy, security, and performance optimization. Proper infrastructure design plays a critical role in reducing downtime, mitigating disruptions, and ultimately improving an organization's bottom line.