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AI + PSTN = Changing the UC Landscape

While last month’s Enterprise Connect 2024 (EC24) show seemed a bit light in terms of headline news, it did offer one high impact storyline around the integration of AI services with the PSTN. EC24 showcased the addition of AI services, including transcription and meeting minutes, to PSTN call using popular UC services (Teams, Zoom, Webex, Ring Central). While these have been in place for conference calls for almost a year, AI for one-to-one calls via the PSTN is new in 2024.

Ubuntu AI | S2E5 | All about Ops: DataOps, MLOps, DevOps, AIOps

The emergence of DevOps has changed the way enterprises handle software delivery processes, leading to faster and improved quality. After DevOps has been coined, other practices such as DataOps, MLOps, and AIOps have emerged. In the podcast, Michelle and Andreea, Data PM and AI Product Managers, respectively, will be discussing the significance of these Ops processes in streamlining and optimizing enterprise data, machine learning, and AI projects and use cases.

Open source observability explained - the Grafana Labs stack

Wish you could have open source observability explained to you? Senior Developer Advocate Nicole van der Hoeven explains how all the OSS projects from the Grafana Labs stack work together and how the picture they're all building towards is continuous reliability. TIMESTAMPS: ☁️ Grafana Cloud is the easiest way to get started with Grafana dashboards, metrics, logs, and traces. Our forever-free tier includes access to 10k metrics, 50GB logs, 50GB traces and more. We also have plans for every use case.

Crafting Smarter Computer Vision for a New Era of Perception

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that enables computers to interpret and understand visual data, such as images and video. Computer vision aims to provide machines with human-like visual perception capabilities, allowing them to identify, classify, and analyze visual content.

Innovate & Educate: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence Education

Learning can be frustrating when it feels like it's a one-size-fits-all approach. But what if that could change? AI can tailor lessons to your learning style. Virtual tutors are always patient and ready to explain tricky math problems again. Event tests that understand what you need to learn next are a reality. It isn't science fiction - it's the power of artificial intelligence in education. This approach is transforming how we learn. It holds exciting possibilities but also raises important questions.

Elastic Universal Profiling agent, a continuous profiling solution, is now open source

Elastic Universal Profiling™ agent is now open source! The industry’s most advanced fleetwide continuous profiling solution empowers users to identify performance bottlenecks, reduce cloud spend, and minimize their carbon footprint. This post explores the history of the agent, its move to open source, and its future integration with OpenTelemetry.

ChatGPT & the Enterprise: Balancing Caution and Innovation in the Age of AI

OpenAI's groundbreaking AI tool ChatGPT was officially launched on November 30th, 2022. However, it wasn't until the early months of 2023 that its impact truly began to ripple through the global consciousness. This transition from a novel technological release to a sensation that captivated the world was both rapid and remarkable. The metrics speak volumes: According to Similarweb, ChatGPT garnered around 266 million visits in December 2022.