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Introducing Azimuth, an open-source tool to understand datasets and models in text classification.

Introducing AZIMUTH, an open-source software project from ServiceNow. Azimuth is an open-source software application that helps AI practitioners better understand their dataset and model predictions by performing thorough dataset and error analyses. The application leverages different tools, including robustness tests, semantic similarity analysis, and saliency maps, unified by concepts such as smart tags and proposed actions.

How Automation and AI are Transforming Service Desks in 2022?

To modernize how organizations do business worldwide, they are adopting AI along with digital technologies. By doing so, companies strive to enhance productivity and efficiency and innovate new customer and employee experiences that will improve competitiveness. Organizations and their leaders must adopt a transformational and holistic mindset to succeed. They need a digital transformation that solves customer experience for multiple service queries.

Use APIs to Send Sample Data into Moogsoft | Moogsoft Product Videos & How-Tos

In this video, you will learn how to use best practices in managing API Keys, navigate the Moogsoft API docs to locate relevant information, and build Event and Metrics API commands. Don't forget to subscribe for content on DevOps, Observability, AIOps and more!

Canonical Ubuntu Core 22 is now available - optimised for IoT and embedded devices

15 June 2022: Canonical today announced that Ubuntu Core 22, the fully containerised Ubuntu 22.04 LTS variant optimised for IoT and edge devices, is now generally available for download from ubuntu.com/download/iot. Combined with Canonical’s technology offer, this release brings Ubuntu’s comprehensive and industry-leading operating system (OS) and services to a complete range of embedded and IoT devices.

What you're missing out if you don't try Ubuntu Core 22

Ubuntu Core, the Ubuntu flavour optimised for IoT and edge devices, has a new version available. With a 2-year release cadence, every new release is both an exciting and challenging milestone. Ubuntu Core is based on Ubuntu. It is open source, long-term supported (LTS), binary compatible and offers a unified developer experience. It allows developers and makers to build composable and software-defined appliances built from immutable snap container images.

Master IoT software updates with validation sets on Ubuntu Core 22

If you are packaging your IoT applications as snaps or containers, you are aware of the benefits of bundling an application with its dependencies. Publishing snaps across different operating system versions and even distributions is much easier than maintaining package dependencies. Automated IoT software updates make managing fleets of devices more efficient.

InfluxData Announces InfluxDB Edge Data Replication

SAN FRANCISCO, June 15, 2022 – InfluxData, creator of the leading time series platform InfluxDB, today announced Edge Data Replication, a new capability for centralized business insights in widely distributed environments. Edge Data Replication enables developers to collect, store and analyze high-precision time series data in InfluxDB at the edge, while replicating all or subsets of this data into InfluxDB Cloud.

Announcing InfluxDB Edge Data Replication: Combining the Power of the Cloud with the Precision of the Edge

There are technical and business reasons to have a time series data presence both at the edge and in the cloud – InfluxDB has always played a key role in both contexts. Today, we’re announcing Edge Data Replication, a new feature that combines these two deployment strategies. With this announcement, InfluxData begins a greater initiative to accommodate both edge and cloud data workloads in one unified solution.