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Incident Management

The latest News and Information on Incident Management, On-Call, Incident Response and related technologies.

New Features: Custom Hold Music for Call Routing, Conditional Alert Actions, Company-wide Private Status Pages, MFA

‍ This post highlights some of the features and improvements that we have released in the last 3 months. If you want to submit your own ideas or vote on existing feature requests, you can now use our new public roadmap at roadmap.ilert.com.

Know Instantly When Kubernetes Violations Occur - Your First PagerDuty and Shipa Alert

Imagine having the ability to instantly know when a Kubernetes compliance or security violation occurs. Now you can with Shipa Insights. Coupling Shipa Insights with the robust notification and alerting capabilities of PagerDuty makes this very possible. Shipa has the capability of sending fine-grained events externally e.g to PagerDuty. Now with the power of Shipa Insights, you have the capabilities to alert on policy violations. Let’s take a look at gettings started.

Words matter: incident management versus incident response

I recently published a couple of blog posts about what happens when you invest in a thoughtful incident management strategy and three first steps to take to do so. What I’m getting at in these posts is that we need a shift toward proactivity in the software operators community. I’d wager most of the world is responding to incidents as they happen, and nothing more.

Developing a Data Breach Incident Response Plan

With cybersecurity boundaries going beyond the traditional walls of an office and attack surfaces constantly expanding, data breaches are inevitable. Managing risks from data breaches requires organizations to develop a comprehensive incident response plan – an established guideline that facilitates incident detection, response and containment, and empowers cybersecurity analysts to secure a company’s digital asset.

How to Standardize Service Ownership at Scale for Improved Incident Response

Service ownership is a DevOps best practice where team members take responsibility for supporting the software they deliver at every stage of the development lifecycle. This level of ownership brings development teams much closer to their customers, the business, and the value being delivered. Service owners are the subject matter experts (SMEs) for their services – and in a service ownership model, they are also responsible for responding to any production issues.

Product Roundup: New Blameless Features in June 2022

Summer means things are heating up. And things are definitely heating up at Blameless! We’ve been hard at work delivering new features and capabilities to our customers, so today I wanted to share a quick summary of all the latest. Here are 4 exciting product updates that enhance the way teams manage incidents and deliver reliable products to their customers.

A Day in the Life with PagerDuty (2022)

Learn about the day in the life with the PagerDuty Operations Cloud to be ready for anything in a world of digital everything. Watch as the platform helps an organization face increasing digital complexity and dependencies and leverages PagerDuty to transform their operations from manual, rigid, and ticket queue-based, to a continuously improving system that focuses on outcomes and customer experience, delivers operational speed AND resilience, and is heavily automated and augmented by machine learning and AI.

How IT Operations can demonstrate business value with Unified Analytics

As an IT Ops exec, imagine your jubilation upon learning that after a year of hard work across your NOC, DevOps and SRE teams, you are able to automate incident response by 25%. You’re elated as you enter your CTO’s office to share this information, and their response is.