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Raygun APM: Our commitment to performance

Ever since the public release of Raygun APM for .NET, we’ve been busy at work to make this the best APM product on the market that provides meaningful data to developers, making debugging and troubleshooting much easier. Every APM product out there will incur some level of performance penalty since you cannot observe a process at zero cost.

Introducing Datadog Agent 7 with Python 3 support

We’re excited to release version 7 of the Datadog Agent. It has all of the same functionality as Agent 6, but it is the first version to ship with only the Python 3 runtime. With Python 2 reaching its end of life on January 1, 2020, migrating your services to Python 3 will ensure that they continue working as expected. We’ve tested all of our more than 350 integrations to ensure they work with Python 3.

Monitor Cilium with Datadog

Cilium is an open source technology that delivers network security to large-scale containerized environments at the packet and application levels. Cilium integrates easily with your Kubernetes clusters, either self-managed or managed services (e.g., Amazon EKS, Google GKE, and Microsoft AKS). You can also deploy Cilium to Docker environments using Mesos.

Using Logz.io for Spring Boot Logs

We recently wrote a blog with Julien Dubois, a Java Developer Advocate from Microsoft, on how to simplify logging for Spring Boot applications. This is a small preview. Spring Boot is an open source Java framework that makes it easier for developers to create microservices. Azure just announced Azure Spring Cloud, which will help Java engineers on Azure developer Java microservices faster. This blog explores how to simplify logging for Spring Boot applications.

How to Catch (and Fix) JavaScript TypeErrors

It's Friday afternoon and you decide to check on your web logs one last time before you go out for the weekend. Since you've deployed recently, you want to make sure everything is going smoothly. You open your tool and suddenly you find your screen flooded with TypeErrors. Does this sound familiar? JavaScript TypeError is one of the most common browser errors because it wraps a number of different situations, each of which needs to be handled separately.

Transforming Engineering at Rollbar

It's been a busy year at Rollbar! While many of the new features we built got all the needed attention (press, blog posts, conferences), the underlying work to transform and modernize our platform might have been less visible. With this blog post I'd like to share with you all the exciting initiatives we launched in this past year and recognize all the deserved credit for all the engineers that worked restlessly to get us where we proudly are today.

Guide: RegEx 101 for Managing Log Data

Regular expressions can be crucial for wrangling log data efficiently. You may want to extract specific data from your logs to make it easier to analyze and visualize. Sometimes you might want to capture an email when a particular message is logged. Other times, you may find yourself needing to hide sensitive data in logs before they are saved. And more often than not, you need to match using a RegEx pattern rather than an exact text search. This guide is split into three parts.